-•Chappie 1•-

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•Emily's POV•
"YOU DIDN'T FINISH THE PROJECT YET" My friend Laura yells at me through the phone almost making me deaf.

"1. ow, and 2 no but I think I'm gonna just go out and..um I will, maybe I will! No that's not gonna work, what if-" Laura cuts me off.

"Just figure something else I don't want you stuck back while everyone else is going to Claire's cottage, and I swear it's probably gonna be lit, THEREFORE YOU CANNOT MISS IT GOT IT GOOD BYE" She yells and hangs up.

"I have got till 7:00 am tomorrow I guess I will just draw someone else's portrait but who?"

"Connor can I please draw your portrait please please PLEEEEAAAASSSEE"

I say hugging my younger brothers arm and he shakes me off "No, I have better places to be" I laugh and shake my head

"what are you going to go over to that ho Leah's house and get tricked into doing her homework again" I scoffed.

"actually she said I can hug her before I leave this time" he said proudly "what, did she bribe you to do this time" i said holding in my laughs "her homework... For the rest of the year"he said looking down.

I couldn't hold it back anymore I burst into laughter falling and holding my gut as he walked out the door, than I remembered I have to paint someone's portrait, I guess to the streets I go.

As I walk down the street with art supply's in hand asking people if I can draw them for free I almost gave up but then it happened.

I looked over at the park to see someone on a bench nothing in hand just staring at the sky.

he was a extremely handsome guy who looked about my age, so maybe it's worth a try I walked over to him "hey there, would you like a free self portrait?" I said and he looked up.

"free? Sure" he said smiling "ok just stay still" he nodded, I then started to draw getting almost every detail of his face on the paper as I finished While he was looking away I took a quick picture so I can redraw it at home tonight, I handed it to him

"here yah go" I said smiling "thanks this is really good" he said examining the drawing.

"no problem, and thanks" I said looking down and blushing "well bye" I said packing up my art supplies "bye" he said walking away.

"I'm finally done" I said as I finished tracing the picture, everything started to get dark and then I passed out.

I woke up peeling my face off of the paper looking at the drawing admiring it, but then I saw it my lipstick got on the paper it looks like I kissed the page.

I guess it's ok if he never sees it and no one in my school knows who he is.

I started to get dressed in black leggings with some holes in them and a black and white striped t shirt.

ran downstairs with a toothbrush in my mouth throwing the toothbrush in the garbage because it was frayed  shoving a piece of toast in my mouth and putting everything
Thing I need for the day in my school bag including the drawing.

slipped on some black vans and went right out the door to walk to school.

As I got to school I heard a bunch of girls talking about "a hot new guy" I just thought nothing of it and walked in school seeing Laura standing at her locker.

"hey girl hey" I say throwing my arm around her shoulder.

"heeeeeeyyyyy, you finish that art project?" She said I remembered What happened.

"I have to tell you something" I said shoving her into the janitors closet.

"what is it?" She questioned, I pulled out the drawing she gasped "Emily" she gasped.

"That's the new kid, how when where did you meet him?" she questions staring me straight in the eye "the new kid?" I said surprised

"yeah that's him, are you a stalker?" She says looking at me like I killed a cat .

"no I went out In the street to draw people I drew him and then I fell asleep face first on the drawing and my lipstick left a print" I said all in one breath.

"em, you can't show that everyone will think your a freak and a stalker" she said shaking me by my shoulders

"I have to I just will have to do it I know  it will cost me but I put in too much work to throw it away" I said confidently.

                     whatever the school

                     Thinks of me

                   I don't care

At least that's what I thought.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed that chapter I will update soon byeeee 🤘🏻❤️💋🙈

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