-•Chappie 4•-

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•Emily's POV•

Today is the day every senior heads off to Claire's cottage.

Anybody who is in Claire's grade gets invited to her cottage for the long weekend but actually it's not really a cottage it's more like a mansion in the middle of the woods.

Last year was really fun so I expect nothing less from this year.

I finish packing my bags and I hear a car horn beeping from my driveway so I open my door, it's Laura "Hey girl hey!" I say hopping in the passengers seat throwing my bags in the backseat.

"Let's go" Laura says putting the keys in the ignition and we start to pull out of my drive way, "Lets put on a little throwback song" I say plugging in the AUX cord and looking for promiscuous girl by nelly Frutado(Audio above) and I press play.

"Am I throwing you off?" I say at the same time as the song.

"Nope" Laura says "Didn't think so" Laura and I said in unison we burst into laughter.

As we get closer I look in the rear view mirror and see 4 guys in a red jeep following close behind us, and 1 of the people in the car just has to be Luke Hemmings.

whatever we are close to Claire's cottage, and I mean I can't expect him not to come.

As we pull up to the mansion/cottage it looks and sounds like people are already in there, I look at Laura and we run the boys not so far behind us doing the same.

"we have to get a shared room!" I yell as I go into a room that is empty and I jump on one of the beds as Laura does the same, we high five each other "Nice job Laura" I say happily.

"Thanks, you did amazing as well" she says back, I look around the room and I see a door.

I go over to it and see it's a bathroom but i see another door and that must mean this bathroom is shared with whoever is next door.

so I open that door just to see that Luke Hemmings is standing on the other side.

"shoot me" I say slamming the door and walking back into Laura and i's room lock our door to the bathroom and collapse on my bed.

"Laura we have to share a bathroom with Luke" I said throwing my hands on my face "oh, well let's not let that get us down and go swimming want to go in the lake or in the pool?" She says in a happy voice.

"pool for now I guess" I say trying to not die on the spot.

We both changed into our bathing suits and went into the pool there were a couple other people their as well including Aleah and Claire.

Aleah glares at me while Claire walks over to us

"hey guys welcome back, we are going to make this year even better than last year so please enjoy yourselves" she says smiling and walking back to Aleah.

"ok let's go In" Laura says "jump in 3 2 1" I say pretending like I'm gonna jump in and then Laura jumps in herself.

"really Emily" Laura says her eyes looking behind me "Emily, turn around" .

I turn around to see Luke Calum ashton and Michael walking towards the pool, I think nothing of it and just jump in.

I splash Laura "let's have a breath holding contest winner has to have the loser but them two things from McDonald's on the way back" Laura says.

"ok, let's shake on it" I say and "1 2 3 go!" We both say and go under water.

45 seconds later a hear a splash and I open my eyes seeing Laura went up, "ha I wiiiiiinnnn" I say slowing down my win seeing that Laura is no longer in the water.

"Claire, Aleah did you see where Laura went?" I ask the two girls sitting on the deck, they just shake their heads rapidly, "somethings up" I say getting out of the pool.

I walked around the whole mansion and I still couldn't find Laura I asked everyone and no one knew anything.

hey wait a second where is Calum Luke Michael and Ashton I haven't seen them around either, maybe they took her?!?

Those bastards are gonna it when I find them.

I have been walking around the woods and somewhere I heard yelling it sounded like Laura so I rushed over to where the sound was coming from.

I saw Laura up in a treehouse, the treehouse that whenever I came here ashton and I used to talk in at night sometimes.

"LAURA" I yell "EMILY" she yells back.

"Are they up there with you?" I yell up to the tree house.

"No they put me up here tied me up and ran away" she yelled back "ok I'm coming up" I yell climbing the ladder that leads up to the tree house.

when I reach the top i hear some weird noises and some laughing followed by "Oh no the ladder fell now how are you going to get down?" Luke said in a fake kids show cartoon voice.

he takes a picture of us stuck up here "have fun spending a while up there, don't mess with me" he says sinisterly while walking away.

It's been a while and finally Laura speaks up "Emily I think they hid a camera up here" Laura said.

"why would you think that?" I questioned "because I see it its hidden right there behind your foot"  she says pointing to a little shelve with a camera poorly hidden under some news papers.

I pull it out from where it's hidden and I take a hammer that was in a tool shed, and smash the camera into little bits and pieces, "ok, you see anything else worth smashing around here?" I say holding the hammer.

"Yes and can you please untie me?" Laura says wiggling around "yeah sure".

I untie her "so my idea is see that branch outside the window we can break the window go on the branch and climb Down the tree" Laura says smiling "ok let's do it" I say smirking ready to smash the window.

After going through with the plan we are on the ground walking back to the mansion we were stuck in the treehouse for about an hour and a half so it's about 12:00 pm right now.

we start to get closer to the mansion and we walk inside hearing Luke in his room with ash Michael and Calum.

"Laura let's not let them know we are back so they can go check to see if we are still there and get super pissed when we aren't" I say walking into our room and quietly closing and locking the door "what about dinner?" Laura says in a Whining voice while checking her phone.

"we will sneak down In the night" I say it will be fine "ok" Laura says satisfied at the fact that we will still get food.

It's night and I was going to sneak to get food and I peak down the stairs to see Luke and Claire making out in the kitchen.

I silently gag and go back upstairs into the room quietly shutting the door and locking it, "Laura I lost my appetite" I said gagging again "so no food" she says pouting.

"earlier I heard them say they are going to go check on us tomorrow morning to see if we are freaking out for a laugh" I say rolling my eyes and silently giggling .

"so just go to sleep for now" I say falling asleep on my bed "goodnight Emily" Laura says curling up into a ball "night Laura" I say slowly falling asleep.

"WHERE DID THEY GO" I hear an angry voice from down the hallway...

Hey guuuyyyysss, IM BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH ANOTHER UPDATE, yyyyaaaaaasssss, anyways I will be updating again hopefully tomorrow afternoon or night so I am gone now ttyl💋🙈😍🤘🏻

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