Chapter Two

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Aspenfrost slipped quietly into his den, paws making almost no noise on the tiled floor. He set the shopping bags in the pantry, unloading the mice and sparrows, but saving the blackbird for breakfast. His former Igid mate, Melonsong, was still sleeping with the kits, so he tried to be as noiseless as possible while quickly eating the blackbird and heading back out to a Landong meeting, a meeting he went to weekly.

The group was about ten or eleven cats, two of them elders, the rest middle-aged warriors. Sneezing a feather off his nose, he began trotting. It was 8:24; he'd be late for the meeting if he didn't hurry. The meeting started at 8:30.

Aspenfrost jogged easily across a road, not fearing the cars that swept back and forth, and settled into a slow run on the path that led to Landong Community Building, a large Landong den reserved for meetings and study groups. Pushing through the wide wooden doors, he checked the time. It was 8:27--he had plenty of time.

He slowed his pace--no running was allowed in the LCB--and glanced around. He recognized several of his friends, lifting his tail in greeting but not stopping to chat. The meeting was held in Room 8C, on the second floor. Hurrying up some stairs, he swished through the door of the meeting room and quickly found a seat.

"Morning," a voice to his left greeted. He turned in suprise. "Great StarClan, Mottledblossom!" he exclaimed. "I didn't know you'd be here!"

"Ah, well. Igid government wanted me to be a representative of our Clan for this meeting--there's a cat from each Clan here, actually. Winterwhisper of Viloci is here, but I don't think the Naje representative is here yet." She wiggled into a more comfortable position on her chair, blinking at him.

"I haven't seen you in moons," he replied. "How're the kits?"

"Oh, they're fine. Bearclaw is with them right now. How's Melonsong?"

"Good--" he was interrupted by the leader of the meeting, an imposing black tom called Nightfang, clearing his throat.

"Good morning, cats of Landong! As you may have noticed, we have three new cats here today, representatives of Naje, Viloci, and Igid. Their leaders wished for them to briefly join our meeting this morning, so they can discuss a little of what's happening in the Clans and with the Twolegs. Please welcome Mottledblossom of Igid, Winterwhisper of Viloci, and Paleflower of Naje!"

The cats rose to their paws as one, acknowledging the newcomers and waving tails in greeting. Nightfang allowed the meows to go on for about a minute, then lashed his tail once. Aspenfrost sat down again, ears pricked and eyes focused on Nightfang.

"We've gathered to discuss extending borders and creating more efficient fresh-kill gathering times. Some workers have been dissatisfied with how hot it is when they have to hunt for the markets, and . . . " Nightfang's voice continued, talking mostly about gathering mice and voles at dusk, and birds in the morning.

Aspenfrost's attention drifted off. He focused on a patch of wall which had lighter paint than the rest of the pale blue colored paint, and wondered how that would happen. When the workers were painting, did they miss the second coat on the part? I suppose that's what happened.

". . . and we would like Mottledblossom to speak next."

Mottledblossom rose to her paws, planting her front paws on the table, back paws still in her chair. "I propose a completely different look!" she yowled, her voice ringing out. "We purchase seeds and nuts from the Twolegs, and scatter them in choice areas. Prey is attracted by loads, and we can access it with much less difficulty."

She paused to gather her nerves, and spoke again, "Workers can scatter the seeds at dawn, and find prey throughout the day, or scatter the seeds at dusk and work throughout the night. If we find beetles, we could even put some out for birds so more are attracted down from the trees at dawn. I have a brother who was climbing a tree to get a blackbird--which some of you, I'm sure, have had for breakfast many times--and he fell because the tree was too small and spindly. He was severely injured, but has recovered. Do you wish that on any cat?"

The group was murmuring. Mottledblossom's ideas made sense, and none of them wished to have more medical charges issued to they could keep their workers safe.

Nightfang rose again as Mottledblossom sat, and began to speak. "Whoever agrees with Mottledblossom, please gather around me. If you agree with Winterwhisper or Paleflower, gather around them."

The other two representatives have spoken already? Aspenfrost thought, suprised. Mouse dung. Oh well, I mostly agree with Mottledblossom anyway. He padded over to Nightfang, and was suprised that half of the room was already gathered around the black tom.

"It is decided." Nightfang called. "There are more cats around me than around the Naje and Viloci cats. Winterwhisper, Paleflower, Mottledblossom: Take these results to your leaders. Meeting dismissed."


Brought to you by Leopard the awesome. Possibly edited by people. XD

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