Chapter Twelve

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Beep beep beeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeeep--

The alarm clock went off next to Aspenfrost's head. He smacked a paw on it in frustration, the obnoxious sound driving into his ears. It went off with a slight click and silence reigned in his room. The light of the early morning sky shone through the window and onto the bed, forcing him to get up. Sleepily, he got up and went into the kitchen, where Melonsong was making him breakfast.

"Good morning, dear," her soft voice murmured. "Did you get a good night's sleep?" She turned away from her cooking and saw that her mate had fallen asleep on the table. "Wake up! You have your meeting today with the Clan leaders today, remember?" she mewed, her dappled paw prodding his side.

The tom blinked awake as Melonsong tapped his shoulder. "Oh yeah, that's today. You know the leaders won't actually be there." He felt better that morning then the previous day, when he had been overcome with visions of Iriskit dying and couldn't move from the couch. Now only an achy sense of grief remained.

"Well, you need to be awake for the meeting . . . it's probably something about what happened in Naje. You know . . . the whole apprentice thing and all."

Aspenfrost had forgotten all about the news about the apprentice. His thoughts had been consumed by Iriskit and her bloody death. He swallowed in pity for the family who had lost the apprentice. "I had nearly forgotten . . . " he breathed.

"Well it's time for you to go to the meeting. Here's your computer bag and a comb to brush that mangled pelt of yours, I sometimes wonder how you get that pelt so messy." Her brisk tone invaded his depressed thoughts, and he had to purr. Without an organized mate like Melonsong, he wasn't sure how he would get anywhere on time.

The brown tom chuckled as got up and headed toward the door. "All right, tell Winterkit that I'll see him soon." Grief pushed at his heart in waves of blackness, but he shoved it away in a burst of anger. Focus on the meeting.


Aspenfrost padded into the meeting room, the seemingly heavy wooden doors lighter than he thought as he pushed them open. They made a loud banging sound when he closed them, and every cat turned to look at him. "I'm sorry," he apologized quickly, getting to his seat before the meeting started. He sat down next to a cat who he was pretty sure was named Snowfern and set up his computer.

About two minutes later, the doors swung open again, presenting the head of the Landong government. Every cat dropped into a hushed silence as she walked to the table. "Greetings, everyone," began Robinstar. "Today we will be having a video call with the other Clans. I ask that you please do not shout out, but please raise your paw and we'll call on you. This meeting is mainly for the leaders to discuss the recent changes. I will invite you all in in a second . . . thank you."

As the she-cat took her seat, the government cats all opened up their laptops and logged into the app, waiting for their invitation, once in, they all turned on their camera and sat in silence.

"Hello," said a cat on the screen "In case you don't know who I am, I am Autumnstar, head of the Naje government. I asked that this meeting be held because of what has been happening to the citizens of our Clans. As many of you have probably heard, we recently had apprentice shot and killed on out territory, and previously the killing of a kit in Landong. These murders are becoming a major threat to all of us, and I believe that we need to stop this before it gets out of hand."

"Thank you, Autumnstar," meowed another cat. "I am Elmstar, head of the Igid government. I'd have to say though that this Twoleg thing is already out of hand. They are shooting cats that cannot defend themselves, and I would say that is a problem. "

"I am Robinstar of Landong, and we need to do something fast. Cats have already died, and I can only imagine how many more cats will. We need to act soon, before the Twolegs kill one of us again. Maybe we could organize an attack on the Twolegs?"

"Hmm," said Elmstar. "That might work, but would it be just one Clan or would it be all four Clans combined togther?"

"I think all four of us combined would be more efficient," said another cat, her commanding tone one that all the cats self-conscientiously straightened up at. "I'm Lightningstar of Viloci, by the way. So since we know that we are going to do it, the only question is when are we going to do it?"

"I think in about a moon would be good. It would give us enough time to figure out battle strategies and other things we might need for it. So do we agree on getting revenge on the Twolegs in exactly one moon?" The government all nodded in agreement. "All right. Leaders of the other Clans, I'll organize some meetings for us as well. See you then."

Aspenfrost sat in his chair, contemplating the meeting. Cats moved around him, but he sat in a daze. How many more cats will die? It will all be because of us, because we wanted to get revenge for what they have done. When more cats die, there will be more battles, and a continuous circle of death. He got up out of his chair and walked toward the door. And it will be all because of us.

This is the first EVER serious story chapter that I have ever written! This was written by Blue, and I hope you enjoyed it! Oh, and there is a petition called "Bagel Lives Matter" Just putting that out there, and I'd love some feedback!

::..edited by leopard..::

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