Chapter Eighteen

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Troops were lining up in the formations again, preparing for another attack. Each of the troops were assembled in perfect unison. All staring forward with a look of determination on there face. They seemed confident that they were going to march home with another victory at their paws and other cats cheering for them. That could possibly be what happens, but right now there was no time for fantasizing, for they were about to begin the trip.

    "March!" commanded Aspenfrost to his patrol. The troops began to walk forward, still in unison. Not a paw was out of place in his patrol, for they were probably they best trained out of all the others. Left, right, left, right, left, right went their paws, creating the same 'Thudding' sound that it had made in their previous march. Left, right, left right, left, right they continued until finally they stopped. The Patrol had arrived at the Twoleg's Village and stood still as the leaders of the patrol shouted encouraging words to them, "Alright guys! Let's go in there and show those Twoleg's up!"

With that, the many patrols stormed into the village. Aspenfrost followed and went into a house with his friend, Nightfang. It's been a while since they have seen each other, but they were still good friends. That didn't matter right now though. All that mattered was being able to walk out of the village with a win. The two toms looked around to see if any Twolegs were there. Sure enough, they spotted a Twoleg hiding in the corner with what appeared to be a knife with a very fine point. They ran to where the two leg was hiding and before it could pull out it's weapon, the two cats were already on top of it, clawing at it's face and arms. The Twoleg cried out and pain, flinging the cats off and ran away. 

Aspenfrost turned to Nightfang "Should we follow him?"

"I will, you go. He's not that strong. I mean, you saw what he did when he attacked him, absolutely nothing."

"He also had a knife. I think you forgot that part."

"But he didn't use it. I'm going to go after him and your not."

"I am going with you whether you want me to or not."

"For he last time-" The tom was cut off by another Twoleg who was standing over him. This one too had a knife, and he took it and slashed it down the side of Nightfang. Aspenfrost Watched as his old friend screamed in pain while blood spilled onto the floor, soaking his paws.It appeared that the twoleg was afraid of the blood and he ran outside into the streets.

"We need some help!" shouted Aspenfrost "We need a medic!" No cat came to the scene. He called again "Medic?" Still no answer. Suddenly, Nightfang's breathing became heavier and faster. Aspenfrost walked over to where the dying cat lay. "It'll be alright," he said in an almost Whisper "You'll be okay."

"It's fine," Nightfang said with an extremely weak voice "I should have stopped being so arrogant." And with those final words, his breathing came to a halt, his eyes staring at Aspenfrost. The door flung open to reveal two medics with their first-aid kits. The two rushed over to where Nightfang's dead body lay.

"Excuse me, sir, but we need to step away. We will handle this from here." Said one of them. "And besides, the leader would like all of his soldiers to return back home."
"But he's dead," muttered Aspenfrost, not loud enough for the medics to hear. He walked back to his troups who had clearly suffered from a hard defeat. This needs o stop now, he thought I need to go on my own and show these twolegs who is truly in charge. No one will know about, not the kits, not Melonsong, no one.
"Excuse me," he said to one of his soldiers "Please tell everyone that I am leaving for a while and that I just need to clear me head." And before the other cat had time to respond, he turned away and padded off into the direction of another twoleg village.

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