Chapter Six

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"Where are you going, Aspenfrost? Not to a meeting again, I hope. It's the third time you've been summoned back today! They may as well get you to stay there the whole day."

Melonsong's anxious mew was all but lost in her mate's chaotic whirl of thoughts. Aspenfrost muttered absentmindedly as he paced around, "It's okay; it's an online conference this time." The dark tabby tom finally paused in front of his laptop and opened it up with a recently sharpened claw, frowning at his glowing screen.

Melonsong sighed and murmured something about going to buy more fresh kill for the kits before softly padding out of the den, two balls of tumbling fur rushing after her. Aspenfrost himself heaved a massive sigh, sitting down.

The image of a russet she-cat with vibrant yellow eyes flared across the screen. Aspenfrost instinctively dipped his head; a simple gesture of respect. "Good afternoon, Robinstar." The Landong leader returned his greeting with a friendly nod.

The few beeps that ensued represented the joining of other Landong officials and senators. Soon the faces of Snowfern, Cindersplash, Maplefire, Hawkmask, Lionclaw and Sagewillow flashed across the screen. Aspenfrost turned his head to give his shoulder a couple of good licks and faced his six co-workers.

"I'm sure you all know why I have summoned you again."  The calm, clear voice of Robinstar emanated from the laptop. Aspenfrost felt himself nod and saw that the others did the same.

"We will vote. If declaring war against the Twoleg wins, then we will contact the other Clan's governments and try to persuade them to follow our decided course of action. If peace, if it can even be called that, wins over, we will wait for the other government's choices and act with the majority. Now, do we all understand?"

"Yes, Robinstar," her inferiors chorused together—almost like a stampede of kits. Aspenfrost mentally sighed. Somethings never changed, which was at least fortunate in a world of darkness and pandemonium that was sure to follow. He already knew what he would vote for, was indignant about it from the very beginning; the Twolegs must be vanquished if they pose a threat towards them.

As the father of two adorable kits and a mate of the most beautiful she-cat, Aspenfrost was adamant about defending his family, even if it meant war.

That was why he, alongside three other cats, voted for attack. Robinstar's stony mask did not change. She did not seem surprised; instead resigned to her associates', and more importantly, friends', decision.

A deafening silence roared at the cats. Finally their leader raised her head and mewed steadily,"All right. If that is what my warriors wish, if that is what needs to happen, if that is what our warrior ancestors will us to do — we will declare war with the Twolegs. I will invite the other Clan government officials to join the chat."

Aspenfrost let out a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding. He watched the faces of his colleagues and leader became smaller as more faces, some unfamiliar, joined the screen.

"I have brought you all here to express my side's decision. Landong has decided to declare war with the traitorous Twolegs. We ask you to join us in our fight for our community. For our loved ones, our future, our home."

Aspenfrost watched the cats suck in a breath and blinked as a few of the other Landong cats added in their respective contributions. He could not bring himself to talk; it pained him to do so. What happened to peace? What happened to the talk of harmony and happiness?

Or safety?

He watched as the three other leaders, Elmstar of Igid, Autumnstar of Naje and Lightningstar of Viloci, reluctantly nodded their approval. He narrowed his eyes as discussion about the time and strategy of the invasion took over and closed his eyes, posture tense.

This meant the first time of conflict, of disagreement, in centuries. Will they win against the cunning Twolegs? Will they gain the true peace that they'd mistakenly thought they'd finally obtained?

Aspenfrost suddenly felt sick.

Ahhh one of my favourite chapters out of the ones I've written! Short, though... Saph🍩✨

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