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The Twolegs were returning.

Aspenfrost sat, his tail wrapped around Melonsong as they watched the Twoleg's monsters drive hesitantly into Landong. They pulled into their dens-- homes that had been theirs before they were driven out.

That she-cat's words had been right- Aspenfrost's claws were still stained red from the battles he had fought. From all those had killed. The blood of innocents.

He must have shivered, as Melonsong pressed herself closer to him. "It's alright," she mewed quietly. "It's over."

He felt another small body press against him as his son joined them. Winterkit looked up at his father, his mew bright and free from the torment he had no idea Aspenfrost was experiencing. "It's alright, Daddy. They fixed it! Everything is okay now."

Yet a part of Aspenfrost felt cold-- there was another body missing from their den. A small she-cat whose life had been cut short by the failure of a machine.

Iriskit...I'm so sorry...

The bang sounded in his ears once more, and the thump of her body hitting the ground echoed in his ears. He could hear her voice again, so young and innocent. "They killed me...but forgive them. No one was to blame."

At some point he had shut his eyes, and Melonsong turned to him and poked him gently. He blinked them open, meeting her loving gaze. "Look! Our neighbors are back!"

Aspenfrost turned to look out the window again, seeing the family that had lived beside him so long walking back into their house. He felt a surge of guilt once more-- how could he have suspected them? How could he have thought that they would hurt his family?

Winterkit tried to climb up his father's back, the muscles beneath his grey pelt straining as he struggled. Aspenfrost realized suddenly that he would become an apprentice soon, going off to learn.

How quickly time passes...

Winterkit tumbled off his father's back, landing with an oof on the ground. Shaking his fur out, he clambered unto the windowsill to watch their neighbors start to move their belongings into the house.

After a moment, he turned to face his mother. "Will everything be all right now? Since the icky machine was fixed?"

Melonsong purred softly, her tail reaching up to pat her son's fur. "Yes, it will, Winterkit." She turned to face her mate for a moment, letting him know that the words were for him as well.

Aspenfrost nodded. "We'll never let this happen again."

by Ember-- ah :( it's done!! I still remember plotting this out....hope you enjoyed this book though :')

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