Chapter Seven

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With a heavy sigh escaping Aspenfrost's mouth, he shut his laptop and turned away from the screen, head in his paws. The government had decided to declare war on the Twolegs: but what would happen?

He wearily rose and padded slowly out of his room to find Melonsong, nervous thoughts running through his brain at her response. His mate had always been a peacemaker, never starting fights and always trying to resolve arguements for the better. They hadn't fought in many, many seasons, and he didn't want to expose Iriskit and Winterkit to hackles-raised, eyes slitted fights.

As he stepped out the den's door, he stopped in shock. A flood of cats, many holding signs with peace quotes and inscriptions displayed on them in bold print, were roaring past his door along the road . . . headed toward the government. He noticed the huge billboard that advertised news and information had graffiti on it, and he strained to make out the words underneath the giant peace sign.

Government announces plans to declare war on Twolegs! Peaceful cats rise in protest against Landong and Igid leaders. Bloodshed inevitable.

Why would the stupid board announce something like that? Aspenfrost thought angrily to himself before a wave of fear crashed over him. Where are Melonsong and the kits?

He saw a familar pale tabby pelt in the sea of cats and rushed over to his good friend, Tigerpool. The silver-cream she-cat was holding a huge sign that declared, in bright purple and black print, THE TWOLEGS ARE OUR FRIENDS!

She whipped around at his call and her face darkened. "Did you vote war on the Twolegs?" she spat viciously, shoving a photo in his face. It showed he and the other prominent cats in the Landong government sitting in video chat, clearly discussing something important. Aspenfrost's face was twisted in anger; he, along with four other cats, held their paws in the air. Robinstar's face told it all--they had offically declared war.

Her tail bushy, eyes slitted, she glared at him. "Well?" she asked angrily. Not waiting for an answer, she went on. "Small wonder Melonsong's escaped to Viloci! The cats there aren't protesting, brainless cowards. Why aren't you there with her?"

"W-wha--" he sputtered. "She told me she was getting groceries! I had just started the video call!"

"So you admit that you were in the video call?"

He gazed blankly at her, uncomprehending. "I-I--"

"DID YOU VOTE FOR WAR?" she yowled angrily. Several cats turned at the shout, momentarily interrupting the flow of cats, but after getting stepped on by others intent on the destruction of the government, they continued on. Aspenfrost's heart skipped a few times in fear. What is happening?

"Y-yes," he began, fully aware of Tigerpool's venomous stare. "Tigerpool, didn't you hear that Twoleg? And more like that has been happening everywhere! The Twolegs are intent on destroying us, mouse-brain. And I will not stand by and see my mate and kits get killed!"

"The Twolegs helped us! They've given us power, and now we want to destroy them? What kind of twisted logic is that?" She shook her head furiously, fur ruffled in the breeze that swept the treetops and seemed to fill the marching cats with a sense of excitement. "Whatever, I'm not going to argue with you. We were friends, Aspenfrost. Don't take that away with your thoughts of revenge on the Twolegs." Her eyes were filled with sorrow and regret, but she turned away and marched on with the rest of the cats.

He was left there, thoughts whirling and tumbling, like a tornado ripping through dens and houses with no sense of purpose. What have I done?

Brought to you by Leopard who feels bad for Aspenfrost--will he find his mate and kits? mwahahahaahahaaaaaaa ^.^

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