Chapter 2

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The next morning I pulled my curtains open and looked at the burned ruins of the two houses. They looked eerie in the morning light. Even though it was super hot in my room and I wanted to cool it down a bit by the fresh morning air, I decided not to open the window. The smell outside was probably still really bad and with my asthma I didn't want to take the risk. I went downstairs and made myself some cornflakes. The Italian bread, brioches taste disgusting and are way too sweet in my opinion, so I never ate those. After I finished my cornflakes and drank some juice I went back to my room to get dressed and pack my bag and then I made my way to school.

On my way I passed uncountable many trash bags that were laying all over the streets. They smelled very badly and there were a lot of flies flying around it. I tried not to breathe through my nose so I wouldn't smell it, but I ran out of breath pretty quickly. Stupid asthma.

Suddenly I heard someone yelling my name. "Jane! Jane! Wait for me! We can walk to school together!" I sighed deeply. I knew who that was and I didn't want to be around her: Chiara.

Chiara is a Mika fan too, just like me. Well, not "just" like me. In fact we are very different and I don't really appreciate her existence. She's super rich and goes to basically every Mika concert in Italy, which she likes to brag about all the time and she is quite... a groupie. My motto is live and let live, but I do not have to hear about how "sexy" Mika is every single moment of the day, savvy? The problem is that she and I are the only two Mikafans at our school so she thinks we're friends. Ugh. Yes I know, it probably surprises you to hear that there are only two Mikafans at my school, while it's in Italy and most Mikafans are Italian, but my school is extremely catholic so most people are homophobic and therefore don't like Mika and make fun of me for being a fan of him. I didn't want to go to this school anyway because I'm not even Christian, but my parents decided it would be the best school for me because I would learn some "values". For me, all that it teaches me are Italian swearwords, because of the kids that insult me every day. I don't need friends though, I'm happy on my own.

I tried to ignore Chiara and acted as if I hadn't heard her, but she started walking faster until she was next to me.

"Hey have you seen the X Factor last night? Mika and Fedez were so cute, I really ship them, what about you?". I rolled my eyes. So much stupidity was coming out of her mouth, as usual.

"Chiara, I don't really CARE about Fedez. Mika is with Andy, and even if he wasn't I still wouldn't care. His love life is none of my business and it's not yours either."

She stared at me with a confused look in her eyes, as if she didn't understand what I was saying. "But I'm not hurting him by talking about it, am I? He's my idol and I can say about him what I want!"
I rolled my eyes again, "just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD. But anyway, I don't really care what you want to say or who you ship, that's none of my business either, but it would be nice if you stopped talking to me about it. Leave that for your friends on Twitter, okay?"
She nodded and I sighed in relief when we reached our school. Thank god she was in a different class than I was. Before I walked away Chiara said to me: "I'm sorry if I bothered you by talking about Midez, but I hope we can still be friends?" I held back a sarcastic comment and forced myself to smile: "of course we can."

I made my way through the hallways full of pushing, shoving and screaming kids. Ugh, I how I hated this school. Italians were all so loud! I was glad when I reached the classroom in which I would have the first lesson of the day: maths. Such a great way to start the day, yuck. As I walked into the room I heard other kids giggling and I saw them pointing at me. What was wrong? I grabbed my phone and opened the camera to check if there was something strange about me, but I didn't see anything.

Suddenly a boy screamed: "the English girl is wearing that gay's shirt again!"

SHIT, I totally forgot that I was wearing a Mika shirt today, I just grabbed it from a chair this morning, without even looking at it. Oh how great, now all kids would make fun of me all day and say mean things about Mika. Not that I cared so much about that, I'm not that sensitive, but it was just so annoying and I really don't like being in the centre of attention.

"Vaffanculo!" I yelled at the boy and I lifted my middle finger. And just then... the teacher came in. "Jane Williams", he said, "although I'm happy you're making progress with learning Italian, this is not the kind of progress we expect here at school. Please sit down now- no, not in the back of the class, come here in the front and sit next to Luciana, so I can keep an eye on you. And after the lesson I want to talk to you about your behaviour, because I cannot tolerate this." I rolled my eyes- "I saw that Jane!", apologised to the teacher and sat down. I shove my chair away from Luciana as far as I could. You probably don't know, but she's like my worst enemy here. Her parents own a restaurant too, but it's a very exclusive, expensive and fancy restaurant, unlike the one my parents run. She loves to make fun of that and always calls me la povera inglese: the poor English girl. To top it off she is a Fedez fan and claims Mika ruined him. Yes that's hilarious, I know. If anything, it would be the other way round!

"Ciao povera inglese", she hissed, "did you have nothing to wear again today? Are your parents too poor to get you other clothes than cheap gay merch? Such a shame you can't wear Valentino like Mika the frocio, isn't it?" My blood started boiling and I tried not to react. If I let myself go now, I would for sure get a detention and that would only make Luciana feel like she had won.

"Ohh, can't you say anything? Have you now also forgotten how to speak English, or do you feel like you're better than us because we are Italian and you're not? I bet that's it! You think you're posh, but let me tell you this: you're just trash! You even live in the trash!".

With that she raised her hand and said to the teacher: "signor Righello, something is smelling really badly here, it smells like trash: rotten eggs and mouldy cheese or something!" she glared at me and gave me an evil smirk. "I feel like it's coming from Jane's bag, signor!"

"Wow that's so lame Luciana, there's nothing in my bag, what are you even trying? You're probably smelling your own upper lip."

"Ooohh!", all the boys in my class were yelling now. "Fight, fight fight! Show that English bitch what you're made of Luciana!"

"Enough!", mister Righello smashed on his desk with a ruler. "Jane, you can leave this classroom right now and go to the principal. I've had enough of your behaviour."

I stared at him with a mix of shock and anger. Luciana was the one who started, but now I got punished?

"Fine, I'll just leave this class, I didn't even want to be here in the first place!" I yelled, as I grabbed my bag, walked away and slammed the door. I made my way to the principal's office, but halfway trough I stopped and decided to go home instead. With a bit of luck my mom wouldn't even notice I was back this early.

Ahh okay so this is the first real chapter! I hope you like it, hehe 😅.
Does anyone else here get bullied for liking Mika? I dont, luckily, I even went to Mika's concert with two of my school friends!

Btw, before I forget, the photo in this chapter is what I imagine Jane's school looks like 😊. I saw the photos from the other chapters disappeared somehow, I will try to fix that when I'm back home from my holidays.

Welp, see ya at the next chapter, keep reading and voting 😉



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