Chapter 3

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When I came home it was around 9:15 AM. As I expected, my mom was still asleep. I knew the school would probably try to call her to tell her about my "bad behaviour" this morning, so I decided to pull out the plug of the telephone in the living room. I didn't expect my mom to find out about this, as we hardly ever used that phone, so it would keep me out of trouble for the time being. Quite satisfied with how things had worked out I sneaked upstairs, careful not to wake my mom up, and went to my bedroom where I sat down behind my computer. I opened up Twitter and saw that Mika had posted about new Italian concert dates. I quickly scanned the places that he would go to, but sadly Naples wasn't there. I sighed and read the comments below Mika's tweet. Most non-Italian fans were quite mad that he had announced more dates in Italy again, but hardly any in other countries.

"Wow, Italy, you've never been there before! I'm so happy for all the Italian fans!!1!" a girl wrote sarcastically.

Only three months ago, before we moved to Italy, I belonged to those people too. Now I wished for nothing more than just one date in Naples. If by any chance I would get enough money for a concert ticket, I would certainly not have enough money to travel far away to that concert, so going to Milan or Rome or any other city was no option for me. My parents wouldn't have time to go with me either, because they spent all their time on keeping the restaurant profitable.

I still agreed with the other fans, though. Mika spent almost all his time in Italy, in the north of Italy, to be more specific. And Italy is big, so for people like me, living in the south, it was still hard to get to see Mika. However we still had more chance than someone living in Latin America or Australia or something, and I knew that I was very lucky to have Mika in "my" country so often.

I guess he was here so much because of the X Factor. Because of that TV show he had become very popular here in Italy, and he got offered more chances than he could get in countries where he was lesser known. Still, I wish he would do more for his fans in other countries, because they deserved to see him to, and it made me very sad to see that some fans decided to unstan him and leave the fandom, because they thought they would never get the chance to see him anyway, and they got the feeling as if he didn't care for them. I knew, hoped, that wasn't true. Mika cared for all his fans, but maybe he or his manager thought there wouldn't be enough fans outside of Italy or Europe to fill a concert hall with. His management sucked anyway, I was quite sure of that. Mika could be a lot more famous if he wanted to! Back in 2007 he was, and he could be now too, he was surely talented enough for it. If he just divided his attention a bit better and did a bit more promo...

Anyway, thinking about these things made me sad, so I decided to do something else. Because it was only 09:30 AM here, it was 0:30 AM in Los Angeles, where my internet friend Katherine lived, and she was still awake. I chatted a bit with her. She was also a bit mad that Mika had announced new Italian dates, and she hoped that he would soon go back to America. Last May he performed in Los Angeles and she had gotten the chance to see ánd meet him! She also gave Mika a book full of letters written by Mika fans from all over the world, including one written by me. I had written the letter shortly after my parents told me we would move to Italy, and it was a quite sad letter, because I didn't want to move, but it was also hopeful because I thought it would increase my chances to see him.

I started daydreaming about what it would be like to go to one of his concerts and to meet him afterwards. I imagined him on stage, not in a suit, like he used to do these days, but in a plain white t-shirt, jeans and colourful suspenders, a bit like in his 2007 style. I liked his fancy Valentino suits, but they weren't meant for on stage in my opinion. This got confirmed when he split his pants in LA, from all that jumping around! I giggled and dreamed on. Maybe he would point at me during The Origin of Love, like he pointed at Katherine in May, or would even ask me on stage! Afterwards I would meet him, I would make my way through the groups of screaming Italian groupies, he would recognise me from the crowd and smile at me. Then I would give him one of the drawings I had made of him (not to brag, but I was quite good at drawing), he would sign my CD's and maybe we would even have time to take a picture with me, or, what I secretly dreamed of, he would give me a hug.

I laughed at my own fantasies, it sounded like some crappy fanfiction! Maybe he would even ask me out and kiss me, lmao. Nah, I wasn't interested in those kind of things, ew. I knew a lot of girls were, but I wasn't one of those. Just a few days ago a French girl, who was in love with him, had found out that he was actually gay and she was in tears. Her entire timeline was filled with sad tweets, and it was quite amusing to see. Such foolish girls, even if Mika hadn't been gay, he would still be waaayy to old for them. I hope if I ever got the chance to meet Mika he would notice that I wasn't one of those disrespectful, rude groupies and he would take some time for me and other good fans.

I got pulled back into reality by my mother's voice, who was yelling my name from downstairs. Crap, she had woken up and now I had to think of an explanation as to why I was home already.

"Jane! Jane! What are you doing here this early? Shouldn't you be at school?"

My mom came walking up the stairs and knocked on the door of my bedroom. "Are you alright sweetheart?"

With a ninja jump I landed on my bed and crawled under the blankets. Trying to sound as sick as possible I answered: "not really mom, I suddenly got very sick and dizzy at school and mister Righello said I looked so pale that it would be a better idea to go home."

"Oh... alright..." my mom still sounded very sleepily and absent minded, because of the sleeping pills. "Well if you need anything, I'll be in the restaurant cleaning the kitchen. I hope you'll feel better soon, you can't miss too many classes, you really need to improve your Italian and also keep up with the other subjects!"

I groaned, signalling that I had understood her, and she went downstairs again. On the one hand I was happy that I had gotten away with my lies so easily, on the other hand it made me feel a bit sad. Back in England mom never allowed me to skip any classes without having a very, very good reason to, and she always came in my room to check if I was really sick or just pretending to be. Nowadays she hardly kept track of what I was doing, she was either sleeping or being busy in the restaurant, serving the few customers that came in every now and then. I missed how things used to be between us. She was strict, but also a very trustworthy person, I could always tell her everything and wasn't afraid of doing so. But things had changed and I felt as if we had drifted apart. We were living together in the same country, in the same house, but it was as if she had left her soul in England. She wasn't really THERE anymore and the mental distance between us hurt me even more than the physical distance between me and my dad. That distance would be gone in a few weeks when he would come home, but I didn't know how long the distance between me and my mom would last...

All the thinking made me sad and tired, so I decided to stay in bed and pretend to be sick for a little while longer. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night anyway, because of the fire. I grabbed my earphones and Mika's voice quickly made my sad thoughts fade away, and replaced them with peaceful dreams.


Whee, I hope you enjoyed that chapter! Personally I'm pretty proud of it, idk. Also, since I started writing this story a year ago I'm kind of behind on the facts, since Mika now quit the X Factor, but for this story we'll just forget about that xD, lets say it plays in 2015.

Tell me what you think of the chapter and also tell me what your opinion is on Mika doing or not doing the X Factor and The Voice!

-xx- Jaela

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