Chapter 9

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I walked back to the concert hall, almost dancing. I had not felt this light and happy, not since the fire. Actually, not even ever since we arrived in Italy. Mika's magic...

Because I didn't really know where to go I decided to walk to the side of the hall, hoping to find more fans there. But I got stopped in my tracks by someone calling my name. "Jane! Jane!" I turned around, and oh horror, there stood Chiara together with two of her friends. They all had heavy make-up on and Chiara was even wearing very high heels. How did she manage to not die on those?? She waved at me and gestured for me to come stand with them. Sighing, I trudged over towards them. Chiara hugged me, as if we were best friends, and introduced me to the other girls: Maria and Elena. "So, what are you up to?" she asked me. "Are you here on your own?" I shook my head and told them about Veronica and that I wanted to wait for Mika to give him my drawing and letter. Chiara smiled, "can I see the drawing?" I reluctantly agreed and showed it to them. It was a realistic portrait of Melachi and Amira, wearing flower crowns on their heads. I thought Mika would like that, because he loved his dogs more than anything and he also liked to dress them up. Who knows, maybe this drawing could serve as an inspiration! Chiara and the girls all complimented me and told me that it was a very good drawing. "I wish I could draw like you!" Chiara exclaimed. "But I wouldn't draw his dogs, I would draw his heavenly body, with all the sexy details, oh yes." The other girls swooned over this idea and I swear I almost had to throw up. Unfortunately for me, they continued. "Oh and the way he looked in that SHIRT tonight! Dio mio!" drooled Elena, her eyes almost turning into hearts, like with those emojis. "I wish he would have taken it off," Maria giggled. I sighed and tried my best not to roll my eyes. "What did you think, Jane?" Chiara asked me. "I think he sang very well and his performance was great" I replied discreetly. "Oh come on Jane," Chiara poked me, "surely you enjoyed his body too. Don't we all dream of a man like him? Say, I know someone who works here and he might be able to get us to Mika tonight. I can't believe that within a few hours I might actually be touching him! I will give him a very tight hug and maybe ask him to give me a kiss. On the cheek, of course, but if I turn my head a little..." the other girls giggled and blushed. I was very much in doubt now. On the one hand, I wanted to leave these groupies as soon as possible. On the other hand, if they could get me to Mika... however it could also very well be that Chiara was just bluffing/bragging and that her connections with whoever inside were not actually that helpful. When I saw some people that I had talked to earlier in the front row, I decided to just go up to them and said goodbye to Chiara and her friends.

I stood there waiting with those people for an awful long time, but we did not see Mika come out. However, security had assured us that this was the only exit that artists would come through. There was another exit, but it was only used by staff members and was far away from the artists' dressing rooms. I started to grow disappointed, but I knew that I just needed to have patience. But because I got a cramp in one of my legs and because I had to pee, I decided to move around a bit and also look for a toilet. The women promised that they would call me if Mika did come out while I was gone, so that I wouldn't miss the moment. I thanked them and walked off, deciding to walk around the building to see what was on the other side. I didn't think I would be able to find a public toilet, but I did see some bushes and decided to just go for it there. Reuniting with Mother Nature, right? I scanned my surroundings to see if I was really alone (I wouldn't want to be seen here by anyone in this state, obviously) and decided that it was safe. But right when I took off my suspenders and wanted to unzip my jeans, I heard voices talking, and it seemed they were approaching me. I hid between the bushes and peeked through the leaves. And who did I see... of course: fucking MIKA. And not only that... he was walking with a shaggy looking man whom I, on second look, recognized as... the same guy that had threatened me before when I was handing out flyers., what was he doing here?? The two men came closer to me and I shuffled back into the bushes more, praying they wouldn't see me. About a meter away from me they stopped and the man handed something over to Mika. I couldn't see what, but he looked shocked. I was scared, was he now threatening Mika too?? I needed to do something, but there was no way I could get back to the group of women waiting on the other side of the concert hall without the men noticing me. Their voices grew louder and I tried to understand what they were saying. The conversation was all in Italian and Mika seemed upset. "No, Mario, ti prego, I cannot take that!". The man, whose name was Mario apparently, came standing closer to him as if to intimidate him, but his voice sounded calm, although strict: "you have to, Mika, you need to be able to protect yourself. The higher your position is, the higher the risks are too and you know that." He stepped back and sounded friendlier again: "just trust me, okay? You have done a lot for us, and we have done even more for you. We want the best for you, and what is good for you is also good for us." And when Mika didn't seem to be convinced he added: "capito? You need us, Mika, don't forget where you come from and where we brought you. Without us, you would be nothing. Here, or anywhere. Saresti stato un cafone! Una pezza di merda, nothing more. Thanks to us you are now rich and successful, and we don't even ask that much from you. So take that pistola and stop complaining."

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