Chapter 5

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The next day it was Saturday. The start of the weekend you say? Ha! Not if you live in Italy. On Saturday morning there are still classes, so I had to drag myself out of bed at 7 am and get ready for school. Thankfully I did not have maths today, so I wouldn't have to face mister Righello today. The school day went by rather quickly and without major problems. I managed to avoid a direct confrontation with Luciana, although I heard her gossiping about me before the start of the lessons, but I managed to control myself and not react to it. I also did not get called into the principal's office, which I kind of expected, but I heard mister Righello had gotten sick, so he had probably forgotten to tell the principal about my behaviour and hadn't been able to check if I went to his office at all yesterday. All in all the first half of the day was okay and I got home feeling pretty positive about the rest of the day too. I greeted my mom who was in the restaurant, then quickly went upstairs and sat down behind my computer. I created a Facebook page for our restaurant and invited all my Facebook friends (which were 315 all together!) to like the page. Because it didn't take long to do this I decided to still try to make some flyers. I figured that if I'd draw them myself, it wouldn't be so expensive. I made a few sketches until I was satisfied with the result and then made some copies of it. About twenty would be enough to start with, otherwise I'd have to buy new inc and paper, since there wasn't much left. I went out on the streets and walked to a more busy part of the neighbourhood, where I stood at a corner and started handing out my flyers. Most people walked by without even noticing me, some avoided me on purpose, but there were a few that gently accepted my flyer. I was only hoping they wouldn't toss it away once they were out of my sight... Despite not getting much attention from most passer-byes I didn't let it get me down and by 3pm I had only 5 flyers left, which was good. In the meantime I had also bought something to eat at a bakery, because I had totally forgotten to do so when I got home, since I was too excited about working on the Facebook page and the flyers. I had just handed out my last flyer to an old lady when a scary looking man with a dark beard and sunglasses approached me. He grabbed the flyers out of my hands and tossed them on the ground. 'Hey!' I screamed, 'che cazzo fai!'. He pushed me against the wall of the shop behind me, brought and his face close to me. 'What were you doing girly, huh? You can't just stand here handing out flyers without asking us first!'. For a second I thought he was some local authority, maybe I needed a permit for it? But the man didn't look like he'd work for a real authority, otherwise he would have worn a uniform or something...

Suddenly it hit me. Mafia! The guy must be from the mafia... I started trembling as he continued to speak to me. 'A flyer for a ristorante ehh? In this neighbourhood we decide who gets the customers, people know where to eat, at the restaurants of our friends, NOT da stranieri!' 'I... I.. I'm sorry, mi dispiace' I stuttered. He stepped aside and gestured for me to go. 'Don't do this again and don't let me see you here again! Tell your parents that ristorante Fiona will get a visit from us soon...' He smirked evilly and I ran away as fast as I could. I was so scared, god, what had I done...?


Hey guys!

Sorry, a short chapter this time, but I really wanted to update since a lot of you have been asking for it! I gained some new readers over the past few months and I'm really happy with that, thank you! Hope you like the chapter!
Image of The Godfather attached cause why not 😂

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