Chapter 8

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August 8th 2015, the day of the concert. I was beyond excited and had already gotten up at 6 in the morning, because I couldn't sleep anyway. Now, I was in line together with Veronica, and sitting there in the afternoon sun made me sleepy. We had been in line for hours already, in order to get a good spot once we were allowed into the concert hall. We had gotten numbers on our hands to indicate our positions in the line, and to my surprise everything seemed to happen in a well organised way. I decided to try and take a nap, as it would still take another hour before the doors would open. I didn't want to be too tired to enjoy the concert!

Meeting with Veronica earlier today was awesome, she was really nice and her English was also good, so I didn't have to bother speaking Italian. We ate some ice cream in the city centre and looked around in various clothing stores where we found colourful suspenders and two really cool hats which we were now wearing, completely in Mika style. I was really satisfied about my concert look, although also a bit jealous of the girl in front of us, who had sequins glued to her face just like Mika used to wear in earlier years. It looked really cool, and I wished I would have been the one to come up with that idea! But either way, it would have probably been too much work for an impatient person like me. And the horror of having to get that off after the concert!

I drifted off and after what seemed only a few minutes I felt Veronica poke in my ribs: 'wake up! The doors are opening!' We got up and together with the other people in line we shuffled over to the entrance of the concert hall. When we got inside we quickly walked up to the barriers lining the stage and practically clang ourselves to it. We high fived each other. Front row, b*tches! I looked around the enormous concert hall and felt a tingling feeling of excitement in my stomach. This was really happening! The stage design looked really cool, with light bulbs hanging everywhere, giving it a very homey appearance. Typical Mika! The concert hall was super big and it was slowly filling up with people, their excitement buzzing through the air. I looked at my watch (yes, a Kuklaluku indeed) and checked the time. Still half an hour left before the concert would actually start. Veronica giggled: 'knowing Mika, it might even take longer than that!' 'Late late late late... always late late late!' I laughed. 'But I'd gladly forgive him, what matters is that he's here and we didn't even have to pay to see him!' 'Indeed!' Veronica agreed.

We chatted for a bit with other people in the front row and sang along to the songs that they were playing before the musicians came to check their instruments. After that, the lights got dimmed and you could feel the tension and excitement rise. The crowd started cheering as the tunes of The Origin Of Love sounded through the hall. "Padre nostrum, deus machismo. Padre deus, deus machismo..."

This went on for a minute or so and then a bright light flashed and instead Relax started playing. He tricked us! From the side of the stage Mika ran on and the crowd went wild. "Buona sera Napoli!!" he exclaimed. I screamed on the top of my lungs and unwillingly felt tears fill my eyes. This was the first time I saw him in real life and it felt SO good. And he was so close! It was almost unreal, I could not believe it. Surely this moment would always be the happiest memory of my life. He looked so good in his white shirt, with a jacket with tiny white flowers on it, black jeans and shiny black shoes. He ran across the stage, jumped up and down while still managing to hit every note perfectly. At some point during the song he even started dancing on top of his piano! After singing Grace Kelly he talked a bit to the crowd in Italian, and I'm proud to say that I could actually understand what he was saying, hahaha. And how happy I was when he then played my favourite song: Blue Eyes! He did not sing that during concerts often, so it was really special and the live version was even better than the studio one. Veronica and me started making Hawaiian dance moves and everyone in the front row started imitating us. It was really cool and we felt like such influencers, cough cough. After Blue Eyes came Billy Brown, another favourite of mine. Curtis hopped on the piano and gave an epic saxophone solo which created a funny moment when Mika acted as if he was jealous that Curtis stole the show. I was hoping they would do a saxophone battle with Mika pretending to play sax with his hands like they sometimes used to do in the early days, but unfortunately that did not happen. No big deal though! The concert went on. While singing Blame It On The Girls he divided the crowd in two, with one part of the crowd singing "blame it on the girls" and the other part responding "blame it on the boys". It was amazing to see how he could control the crowd so much and I loved the amount of interaction, which was something I had not seen this much in other concerts of other artists that I went to back in England. Of course I knew that Mika was known for this and I had seen many performances on Youtube, but experiencing it yourself was really different and special!

After Blame It On The Girls he sang Rain and then of course Stardust. And surprise, surprise! Chiara walked on stage and they sang it together! You could clearly hear that this was the song Mika was most well known for in Italy, because I think literally everyone sang along, even the parents or friends that were not necessarily fans but were just dragged along with others. I don't think anyone got bored, though, because every song was a performance of its own! With Big Girl came a crazy little dance with lots of hip moves, during Love Today we all had to jump up really high (thankfully no one injured their foot, ahem) and he performed a part of Lollipop in Italian, which was really impressive. Chiara also came back another time to sing The Origin Of Love with him in Italian. But the most beautiful and magical moment for me was Underwater. All the lights got turned off and Mika asked everyone to get out their phone with the flash on, creating a sea of lights. He asked us to close our eyes and we all sang together, first really softly and then as loud as we could. I turned around to see all the lights behind me and I got emotional again because of how beautiful it was. When I looked at Victoria I saw she felt the same and we laughed and hugged and sang one more time on top of our lungs. It was almost the end of the concert, but not yet, because the last song was We Are Golden! A perfect and energetic way to end the concert. It was over way too quickly though! After saying his last "grazie mille Napoli!"s Mika ran off stage and the big lights went back on again. I felt like I was coming all the way down from the moon back on earth again. What an incredible night. I felt so many emotions that I cannot even describe them here. While the people in the last rows started going outside again, we at the front row kept waiting for a bit so that we wouldn't get crushed in the mass of people flowing outside. Veronica still had some time before her train would leave and she collected pieces of confetti from the floor and put them in a jar, a colourful memory to a colourful night. When there was a bit more space to walk we went outside too and I felt the fresh night air brush against my skin. I breathed in and felt like a tiny dancing balloon filled with happiness. 'I wanna scream' I said to Veronica. She laughed, 'me too!' We held hands and yelled 'Mika, we love you!' across the square. It felt good to let some energy out, I was still buzzing. I walked Veronica over to the train station where we hugged goodbye, and then I went back to the concert hall to wait for Mika. I had made a drawing for him as well as a letter, that I really wanted to give to him. I was determined to get it to him, but if only I would have let that slide! I had no idea what I was about to experience...


Finally a new chapter bitches! And another cliffhanger... we're getting there! :')

I attached the video of the concert that Jane went to, so most of what I wrote is based on reality, mixed with what I remember from my own feelings of when I saw Mika for the first time. That was in Amsterdam, and yes, I did indeed cry a little when he came on stage and also during Underwater. It really is the best thing ever, and I hope all of you reading this will experience it at least once in your life!

Much loooveee,


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