Chapter 14

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"Pierpaolo Piccioli..." I scrolled through the photos on Mika's phone. I saw a slim man with a wrinkled face, grey hair and a thin moustache. He looked elegant, and something about his appearance commanded respect. Like he knew what to do and wouldn't accept a no from anyone. "Is he a friend of yours?"

"Any fan would know that," he joked, "he designs all my clothes! You probably know I have tailor made shoes designed by Christian Louboutin, another good friend of mine, and one day when we were both present at a design event, I met Pierpaolo, and it clicked. We decided to start working together and since then I not only have tailor made shoes, but also tailor made suits. And he makes them for a friendly price, in case you were wondering. He's a good, good friend, someone I can really trust. And he has... connections. He's earnest, don't get me wrong, but growing up in a rough neighbourhood in Rome, with little perspective, and then becoming one of the most influential fashion designers in the world, that requires certain skills."

"And money?", I added. Mika nodded. "And contacts, too, and he has all three." Mika looked just a little less miserable now than he had done half an hour ago when I had showed up at his door.

"So... in more concrete terms this means... what exactly?" I pressed on. Mika stretched out on the bed on which we were both sitting now and spoke up. "Pierpaolo has connections with an influential Roman mafia family: the Casamonica clan. If Pierpaolo can convince them to put me under their protection, I will be safe. Giulio cannot reach me if another mafia clan is in his way. And they can protect you and your family too, of course."

I nodded slowly. I wasn't really thrilled about the idea of getting involved with another mafia clan (I had seen enough mafia for the rest of my life!), but this sounded better than the idea of Mika leaving himself at the mercy of Pazzoleni*.

We talked the plan through and decided that this was what we were gonna do. Mika decided to travel to Rome immediately to arrange things, and to be ahead of Giulio, who without a doubt would be looking for us by now.

I went back to my parents' hotel room and played the act of happy daughter who had had the best night of her life. They were of course concerned about my health, but I assured them that I was fine and that the doctors had said there was no reason to worry. They said they did not have money to buy me a new phone, but I said it was okay, because I could go to the internet café anyway.

At the end of the day my head was spinning and despite having slept until 1 pm, I was ready to go to bed again by 10. It seemed as though everyone in Italy had connections with the mafia... even a famous fashion designer like Pierpaolo Piccioli! And here I had thought that those stories were all cliché... I could hardly believe it.

I had not heard from Mika anymore, and because I didn't have a phone I could not reach him. I could only hope that he was safe... I was worried about him and that kept me awake for a while, but sleep eventually got to me and I dozed off. I slept steady until my parents woke me up, with a shocked and worried look on their face, and told me to come watch the news on TV with them. I stumbled into the living room, still half asleep, and then shrieked as I saw the images on TV, of places and faces all too familiar to me. What in the world had happened? How could things have gone so wrong? 

Short chapter, but I had the start of this one in my drafts since like a year or so and I just decided to finish it! All for Louise and Cia hehe, enjoy! The rest will follow asap hopefully, I will finish this story before I die lol promise

xx Jae

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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