The Blueberries

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"Hey!" I opened the door with a wide smile.

"Hi Dan!" Phil did an awkward wave and accidentally smacked himself in the face. Laughing, I invited him inside.

"Woah." Phil said as he looked around.


"I just...for some reason I expected it to be bigger."

"Yeah, but it's all I– I mean my parents can pay for." I answered, knowing I wasn't very convincing.

But Phil just nodded, as if it was nothing. He continued looking around. I didn't know what was so interesting. Tile floors, no doors separating the rooms, four windows, a living room with a single couch and a small rug. There was a tv, but it was very outdated. The kitchen had a stove, a microwave, an oven, and a fridge. It didn't even have a sink or a dishwasher. Along with one medium sized cabinet and an island, by which sat one lonely looking chair. The bathroom door was open, anyone could see that there was no shower, just a very small tub, the toilet, and the only sink in the house.

"There is a tv down here, but the bigger one is in my bedroom." I said.

"Well let's go watch some anime!" Phil responded excitedly.

I led him up the tile stairs, which had no walls of banister by it. Upstairs were only two rooms. My bedroom, which was the master bedroom, and a guest room.

I led Phil to my room. It looked like a gothic shrine. The
Only white was the walls. There was a black bed, a dark oak brown cabinet, which held my black clothes and fandom shirts. There was a black shaggy carpet, covering the horrible tiles.

"Oh. You have the master bedroom?" Phil questioned, glancing at my double size bed.


"Then that room down the hall is?" He continued.

"A guest bedroom."

"Where do you parents sleep then? Or," he stopped to giggle, "do they not? ARE YOU A FAMILY OF VAMPIRES?" He yelled suddenly. I immediately cracked up laughing, hissing, and trying to make a vampire face.

"Anime now?" I asked once we had calmed down.


"I didn't even know you liked anime, I'm obsessed with it." His eyes widened.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah, my favorites are Attack on Titan, and some other really cool ones."

"Some other really cool ones."Phil laughed, mocking my voice, which apparently was high pitched and squeaky.

"I don't sound like that!"

"I don't sound like that!" He mocked again, then I laughed.

"Popcorn?" I asked.

"Yes! Yay! Yum!" He answered, jumping up and down. I smiled, leading him back to the kitchen.

I opened the cabinet, revealing five pretty empty shelves. There was a box of cereal, a box of popcorn, some chocolate bars, twizzlers, peanuts, unopened ranch dressing, Cheetos, canned olives, canned tomatoes, a bag of croutons, some bread, chips, and a few other miscellaneous things. I grabbed the popcorn box and turned to Phil staring at me. I quickly closed the cabinet.

"Do you ever even eat?" He asked.

"Well yeah! I mean, there's lots more in the fridge." I lied through my gritted teeth. I was skinny for a reason.

"Oh." was all he said.

I microwaved the popcorn and dumped it into a huge bowl, taking it upstairs, Phil right behind me. When we got back to my room, I turned on the tv.

"Which anime?" I asked him.

"Hmmm....I think I'm in the mood for Attack on Titan!" He said happily. I quickly turned on the show.

We binge watched fifteen episodes before my eyes felt droopy. I tried to stay awake.

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