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Today, we graduate. So much of my life I wasted not having Phil by my side. But now I know: I need Phil in my life. He didn't just bring a color into my view, he changed the whole perspective I have on the world. None of the colors look the same anymore. They are all...Beautiful.

We've already uploaded our first videos to our "channel". I already have four subscribers! Their real names happen to be Pj, Chris, Louise, and Phil. But that's no big deal! They each have four subscribers too.

I've decided that at our graduation party tonight, I'm going to propose to Phil. It's not like we are going to get married right away. We need to figure out our plans for the future, and I'd need money for the wedding...

Funny. I'm not scared that he might say no. I can feel it in my heart that he will say yes.
Or am I too confident?
Oh god.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and rewatch my first video. I hate it more and more every time I watch it.

"Hi." Computer-Dan says. "My name is-" He makes a stupid swipe thing with his hands. "Dan." Oh god. I can't watch anymore of this.

I close the MacBook and start to get ready for the day. My graduation suit lays casually on my bed, teasing me.
So close, and yet so far...
I go to straighten my hair in the bathroom. What style should I do? I wonder to myself sarcastically, 2012 emo look?



Filler filler filler filler

(Comment pls the story is almost over lol)

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