The Blue Day

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Today is officially three years and two months after graduation.

Today is the day I marry the love of my life.

We stayed in separate hotels, I had convinced him that it was bad luck to see the soulmate before the wedding, and this way there would be no chance to.

We had decided that we wanted a light blue wedding, not a white one. Since nothing about us is traditional.

The framework is all a browned wood, but anything flowing or floral is light blue. It is perfect for us.

I smile lightly as I finish straightening my hair.

I had long since dropped out of lawyer-ing. It just wasn't for me. Living in condo with Phil was my thing. Louis is also engaged, to be married next spring. Chris and PJ finally announced their love for each other to the rest of us, though it had been kind of obvious. Apparently Phil and my relationship brought out their courage, or something.

I tie on my bow tie and head out. I don't think I could wait another day to marry Phil. Even sleeping away from him was miserable. His light breathing always helped me fall asleep, so it was tough last night.

Not that I slept much anyway. Louis threw me and Phil bachelor parties, whatever they're called. Chris went to Phil's room, Louis and Peej came to mine, and we all played video games. All night.

I'm actually really surprised that my eyes aren't bloodshot.

I get into my car and begin the drive to the meadows. That's where Phil and I are getting married. It's only like, ten minutes away from here, but I want to be there in case of any emergencies.

I pull out of the parking lot and take the back roads.

Phil and I had decided on the meadows because that was where I had ended up proposing. The day after graduation, I had taken him out there with a picnic basket and a plaid blanket, and surrounded by flowers, he said yes.

We decided to wait a few years, though.

Didn't want to rush things.

I turn left as soon as the traffic light tells me I can. As I turn, a huge truck comes almost out of nowhere.

Everything slows.

I try to accelerate the car, to get out of the line of that speeding truck, but my body won't move. I'm frozen. All I can do is sit there and blink.

It feels like a year passes. I watch as it slams toward me, toward my car. My body finally begins to react and the only thing I do is pull my hand in front my face. I watch as that engagement ring reflects the light of the morning sun. It is almost as bright, I think, as Phil's smile. My lips curve upwards in that final moment.

Everything speeds back into place. I hear the deep horn of that huge truck, feel as glass breaks and embeds itself in my now bleeding skin, taste the oil in the air, but all I can see, suddenly, is darkness.

Then I feel nothing.

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