Blue Happiness

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I wake up the next morning with such a sense of...happiness. Perfect, blue, happiness. Total and utter happiness.

I know I am with someone so special, so rare, so perfect. He was willing to sacrifice his own happiness to keep me safe. He is my everything. Phil is my everything.

I got ready quickly. I no-longer dread school the way I used to. How can I? I walk around hand in hand with the best boy, I have the best friends, my own bully is afraid of me. Life is perfect.


When I arrive at school, Phil is already waiting for me.

"Can you believe it's only two days until gradeation?" He asks me.

"Gradeation?" I laugh, "What the heck is gradeation?"

"The better way to say graduation." Phil pouts. "If you saw me in a dark alley and I said 'gradeation' you wouldn't be laughing!" He pointed, almost tapping my nose.

"Suuuure, Phil. Sure." He puts his arm around my shoulders as we walk to first hour. "Hey Lou!" I tap Louise' shoulder, whom is in front of us.

"Hey dan! Hey Phil!" Louise waves. She holds up her pointer finger, telling us to wait. She was on the phone. "Yes.....okay, well-....I'm sure, but it still-" suddenly she begins to yell to the poor person on the other side of that phone call. "GO TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH IF YOU HAVE TO! I WANT IT DONE." She ends the call and smiles at us. "Ready for graduation?"

"I can't believe it's only two days away!" Phil says.

"I can't believe you call it gradeation!" I laugh at Phil again, and tell Louise what had happened moments ago. When Pj and Chris come up, Louise tells them, and soon we are all just laughing about it. We all promise to never call it anything else.

Finally, lunch arrives. We all meet up in the library. Chewing down on our sandwiches and chips, we talk about our plan for after college.

"I'm going to Uni. They actually let ME in! Idiots!" Chris says.

"I think I'm going to law school." I say honestly. I don't like to think about the future. It's big and scary and something I can't control, and that freaks me out. Peej laughs, before realizing I was serious.

"You? Law school?" Phil asks.

"You can't be serious!" That would be Louise.

"Well, I am. And I'd appreciate it if you guys would respect my dreams." I don't know why I'm suddenly so angry. It wasn't like I really cared. I guess... "I'm already nervous enough. I guess, I don't know what I want to do. Law school sounds cool. Also there is thing some people are doing, called, um, youtube. It's no college but it sounds cool."

"You should do it!"


"Totally!" I just kept shaking my head. Not a decision for today. Phil seemed to understand my reluctance.

"If we all join this YouTube, will you do it?" He smiled.

"You're peer pressuring me!"

"Yes I am."

"Fine! I'll do it. You win." The three boys and Louise all cheered, and we all smiled and laughed.

Hey lovelies! I hope you enjoyed one of the last chapters. The end is coming. *laughs maniacally* I love you all, thanks for reading.

Also can we just talk for a sec about how Dan changed his username on YouTube?!!! Like it's his choice to change it but I hate change and ughhh. However, Daniel Howell will forever be danisnotonfire to us. >•<


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