Ignorance is Bliss

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Ignorance is bliss. Alice died in a car accident, Jake fell off a cliff on a walk, Mary was hit with ricochet bullets. It was coincidence.

Ignorance is bliss. The terrorist attack last week overseas was another group that couldn't have been stopped.

Ignorance is bliss. The mass police shooting a month ago killed activists who had committed several crimes each.

Ignorance is bliss. That's what we've been told. But it doesn't feel like it.

Alice was hit not by a drunk driver, but it was a specific attack on her by kids at school. Jake was pushed off of a cliff purposefully. Mary has shot 3 times by police for resisting arrest.

The terrorist attack was done by the same people who orchestrated the other ones throughout the past year.

The mass police shooting was against innocent victims who were trying to bring the world into the light about the relentless murder of people speaking out.

Ignorance is bliss until all the signs point to the world falling down in ruins around you.

I snap the book shut, and drop my pen. My breathing is loud in the silence of dusk. My hands shake as I hug myself. The cold night air from the window sends chills up my spine. Tears roll down my cheeks silently as I sit here, alone in the world.

Oh how I wish the world was peaceful. Oh how I wish it was coincidence. Oh how I wish life was fair.

Oh how I wish my friends were here, instead of being killed by stupid people doing stupid things.

A sob catches in my throat, and I throw myself down onto my pillow. The tears are stronger now, rolling down like a current.

Why... why was the world like this? Why is the world so wild, and unfair, and violent, and... and... and disconnected.

Why hasn't the world changed? All we've done is change our leaders, change the morals, but we haven't changed our actions. We still kill. We still hurt. We still judge unfairly.

Why can't we change? Why can't anyone see that the world isn't alright, and we need to change it together?

Why? Why? Why?

Silence answered my questions, and I knew that nothing would change. Not until someone stood up to society, and the law, and authority. And that would never happen.

After all, they say ignorance is bliss, even if you know the world is crumbling underneath your feet.


By the way, none of this happened. Some of it is based on real events, but not all of it.

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