Chapter Twelve

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"I don't want to go to your stupid party!" Sam exclaimed once more, throwing the TV remote at his brother, who stood in the living room doorway. Dean easily dodged, smirking at his twerp of a little brother.

A month had come and passed, their routine the same as always. Wake up, go to school, go to the auto shop, Castiel helps Sam finish his homework, and they go home. Dean would always finish his once they got home, staying up late to do it.

This weekend, though, Dean had decided to show his brother some fun and teach him about the high school experience.

Sam, of course, was refusing to go.

Though he had a very good reason. He just wasn't going to tell Dean.

"Come on, Sammy. You'll have so much fun that you'll never want to leave," Dean coaxed, grinning.

"I'm busy, Dean. Homework. Maybe some other time." The homework was a blatant lie. If it was any other night, he might've reconsidered, but this was much more important than Dean's stupid party.

"Fine, be boring and stay at home doing homework." Dean sighed in frustration, exiting the house to hop into his Impala. The party would be starting soon, and he was meeting the Terrible Twosome and Cas at their house to carpool. Admittedly, Dean was secretly happy that Sam wanted to stay home for homework. One of them had to do great things one day, and that would be Sam. Sam was going to be a lawyer and live in comfort somewhere for the rest of his life, and Dean was ecstatic at the thought of Sam being happy.

They took Cas's car, but Dean drove, Cas sat shotgun while his siblings got the back. Balthazar had heard about this party weeks ago- some guys who just got out of college rented out a house nearby and to celebrate were throwing a massive party that included a huge in-ground pool, alcohol, probably some drugs, and really hot people. All the makings of one hell of a party. Plus the fact that it's a two-story house made it ten times better.

Charlie, Jo, Bela, and the rest of the gang would be meeting them at the party, and they'd all agreed to not watch each other tonight. Balthazar made Anna promise to actually have fun and not bother him, and Jo threatened to pulverize Ash if he tried to ruin her mojo.

And the most miraculous part is that they'd all agreed. Dean guessed everyone must want to get laid tonight.

Ash was telling Jo to be careful as they stood on the huge porch, waiting for Dean's group to arrive. As Dean neared, Jo looked relieved to escape the conversation with Ash as he tried to put condoms in her pocket. Of course Bela took a few, knowing she'd need them.

"Seen anyone we know?" Dean asked.

"Nope. Not a soul," Bela said, analyzing her nails.

"Good, I love sleeping with- I mean meeting- new people." Balthazar chuckled at his own little joke, pretending to use the wrong word. Anna narrowed her eyes at him, and Dean would bet money that she'd give up on having fun half-way through the party in favor of looking out for her idiot brother.

Of course, Ash might do the same, but only after having some of his own fun. Anna wouldn't really have fun- she'd just pretend to.

"Well, let's go inside then," Dean said excitedly, rubbing his hands together with glee. He couldn't wait to get drunk and pick up some girl. It was the perfect stress-reliever to Dean. He probably wouldn't remember her name in the morning, and she wouldn't remember his. They'd part ways as strangers, maybe exchange numbers for future romps if the night went well- or at least what they could remember. They didn't expect anything of him, and he didn't expect anything of them.

The group headed in, almost immediately getting squished together as they tried to jam themselves into the house. The place was packed, the air thrumming with music as the crowd swayed and danced to the music.

Dean led the group through the house, all of them clutching someone in the group so they all didn't lose each other quite yet. Dean shoved some people out of the way and squeezed through others, his bigger body making enough room for the rest to get through.

Finally Dean found the open sliding doors that led to the back and went through, breathing in the fresh air that smelled of alcohol and sweat with a hint of...weed. Good to know that the drugs had already started circulating the party. Oddly enough, someone had toilet-papered the house at some point during the party, and it floated on the wind like ghostly fingers.

Kids were practically hanging out of the windows on the second floor, some having managed to climb onto the roof. Some drunken kids were climbing the house now, some of their friends standing at the bottom with a mattress as if that would break a twenty-plus foot fall.

Out of one window, some kids put a mattress on the roof and their friend climbed on top of it. With a yell, he took a dive from the second story on the mattress, with a helmet and knee pads on like he was riding a bike or something.

When he landed, the kids hung out of the window, looking down at him to probably see if there were any bones jutting out. Amazingly, the kid was alright and sent a thumbs up to his buddies. That's when they all started trying to get a mattress on the roof.

And it was only just the start of the party!

Dean laughed at the idiots who were drunkenly risking their lives, then spotted an open bar on the patio. He went over, his friends following. Everyone took a alcoholic drink, Balthazar shoving some unknown drink into Anna's hand and then into Castiel's. Cas looked completely awkward holding the drink, as if he'd never held a cup before. It was kind of cute.

As Dean drank his drink in one gulp, the party officially began for the group of friends.

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