Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Dean was up before the crack of dawn the next morning, his legs tangled up in the sheets and his arms wound around a plush waist. Lisa- he'd discovered that was the journalist's name before their second round- and she groaned as soon as he began shifting to get up.

"Morning," Dean drawled, smiling down at her. She softly smiled back, her eyes still closed. Her hair was messy and splayed across his pillow, and she was naked beneath his sheets. He placed a kiss upon her lips and clambered out of bed, beginning to get ready for his shower this morning.

"You got a call last night," Lisa said lazily, rubbing at her eyes. Dean's brows furrowed, looking at his phone on his nightstand. He crossed the room, picking up his cell and looking to see who had called him. Seeing who had called him at midnight- Dean knew it had to be about four o'clock in the afternoon where the caller was- and tossed it back down, blinking rapidly as he huffed angrily.

Lisa watched him for a moment, watched him bustle around the room to get prepared for his shower, and quickly grabbed his phone to see who had called.

Someone named Sammy.

Dean's back was to her, so she quickly got into his phone- no password, thankfully- and saw he'd left a voicemail. She played it and put it to her ear.

"Hey Dean, it's me Sam. Listen, I know you hate me, and I know you never want to speak to me again, but dammit Dean, it's about Cas. He's started hallucinating you. He's been doing it for a while now, and he's getting worse. I know you ran out of here, desperate to never see us again, but this is-" Dean yanked the phone out of her hand mid-message, and Lisa couldn't help her reaction.

"Hey!" Lisa exclaimed, offended.

"My phone, my life, not yours," Dean growled, putting the phone back down. Lisa took a leap of faith.

"Who's Cas?"

You could've heard a pin drop. The tension in the room was palpable. Dean's body went rigid, as if he'd been turned to stone. Lisa, during her inquiries, had heard the name. The women had told her that he wouldn't talk about it, but that was the name he moaned when he was with them; but, she was a journalist, so she had to ask. She had to uncover the truth. Who knows, maybe John Winchester had had this Cas guy imprisoned or something?

"How'd you know that name?" Dean's tone was cold, dead even. It had been more of an animalistic growl rather than words, but she'd been able to make it out.

"That Sammy kid, most likely your brother Sam Winchester, said he was in pretty bad shape. Something about him hallucinating you, and you running out of there like a bat outta hell. So this Cas guy was probably the reason you got into the military. Most likely he betrayed you or something. It sounds like Cas wants to make amends, though. What I find interesting is your brother's words. 'I know you hate me.' Now, why would you hate your little brother? He'd said it so earnestly," Lisa said, voice trailing off. She knew some siblings didn't get along, but she'd never heard one say that the other hated them so sincerely. Her own sister had definitely been angry at her before, but hatred?

"This isn't any of your business," He said, more gravelly than ever. It sounded as if he was close to tears, which Lisa upon seeing him hadn't even thought was possible. She wanted to wrap him in her arms and comfort him like she would her son, but she didn't think it was appropriate right now.

"No, it isn't, but you obviously don't want to face your problems, and that isn't healthy for anyone, especially that Cas guy. Whatever there is between the two of you, you all need to be put aside. Sam sounded desperate, and if you don't help him and Cas now, I don't think there will be anything waiting for you stateside," Lisa said, walking over to him. She gently placed a hand on his shoulder, and he didn't jerk away. Only stayed standing there, most likely holding any tears in.

Then, the tension dissipated, and he began to weep quietly. It was hard, watching this man who seemed so strong cry, but Lisa could tell he needed it. Everyone needed to cry at some point. "Go to him," Lisa whispered after a moment, and Dean nodded.

He quickly went to wash up, not wasting any time. Lisa smiled to herself and gathered up her things, leaving within ten minutes. Once Dean was in his uniform, he went to see his unit commander.

"Son, I can't just grant you emergency leave because your brother said your friend needed you," His unit commander said once Dean explained the situation and requested emergency leave.

"Sir, you don't understand. I- I love him, sir," Dean said, his voice wavering. He'd never allowed himself to admit it, but the words felt right. He knew it in his heart that yes, he loved Castiel Novak-Shurley, his best friend since he was little.

His unit commander stared at him hard for a while, then said, "Let me hear the voicemail."

Dean sat his phone, which he'd been clutching like his life depended on it, on his desk, pressing play on the recording.

"Hey Dean, it's me Sam. Listen, I know you hate me, and I know you never want to speak to me again, but dammit Dean, it's about Cas. He's started hallucinating you. He's been doing it for a while now, and he's getting worse. I know you ran out of here, desperate to never see us again, but this is Cas. He was your best friend before everything went down, and I know you still care about him. So hate me all you want, but come back. For Cas. He needs you."

It was the first time Dean had heard it for himself, and he wanted to cry. It had been three years since he'd heard his brother's voice, and he sounded so different. He sounded grown up, and Dean was angry at himself for missing out on so much with the kid.

His unit commander looked up at him, his hard eyes abnormally soft. "Don't let this Cas guy get away, kid." After signing some paperwork, he sent Dean off and told him to get on the first possible flight back to the states and told him not to show his face around here until Cas was his husband or life-partner or whatever Cas was willing to let the dumbass be.

Dean couldn't agree with him more.

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