Chapter Thirteen

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Sam was practically drowning in his own anxiety. Kevin, Andy, Ansem, and Barry were rushing around the house, cleaning up as much as possible as Jess, Jake, Lily, and Kate tried to prepare Sam. It was a whirlwind of events that were simply flashing before Sam's eyes.

It all started a week ago during Sam's nightly call with Gabriel. Gabe had said that he would be passing through on Friday night- tonight- and wanted to see Sam. He'd asked if they could, and Sam jumped at the chance to see Gabriel after three years. The beautiful boy who's been going through puberty still would be through it now, and Sam couldn't wait to see the beautiful butterfly that Gabe had become.

Sam was still awkward, currently going through growth spurts that made him about the height of Dean's chin, maybe a bit taller. He'd started the year with his head at Dean's chest, and he'd grown several inches since. With his longer limbs, he was lanky and awkward, unsure of what to do with his long arms. His voice also still cracked a bit, but was getting deeper.

Not for the first time, Sam wondered if this was one of Gabe's pranks. How could such a beautiful person want anything to do with Sam? Sam was boring, studious, hated parties, barely had any friends, and was extremely inexperienced compared to Gabe.

Gabe was fun-loving, the life of the party, a social butterfly, and had experienced the world in his three years away. Gabe was other-worldly in his perfection, and Sam was so simple and ugly. Why would Gabe want him?

Of course, as soon as he'd agreed and gotten off the phone with Gabe, he'd texted Jess anxiously about it.

Jess had quickly jumped into action, forming a plan. Dean wouldn't be home on a Friday night- hadn't been in years, unless John was home-  so Gabe would come to his house. Kevin got dragged into this plan by Jess reminding Kevin that he'd gotten Sam to reveal his feelings before he was ready, guilting their tan friend into helping. Barry wanted to help anyway, Sam having helped him through more rough patches than either could count. Jake wouldn't miss the opportunity to see the Winchester looking nervous, Lily was convinced by her sweet girlfriend, and Andy wanted Sam to be happy. Ansem was dragged in by Andy.

Kevin, Andy, Ansem, and Barry would clean the house, meanwhile Lily and Kate would get him physically ready- dressing him up and styling his hair- and Jess and Jake would be getting Sam mentally prepared- coaching him on how to flirt and helping him remain calm and not freak out like he was now.

Jess, Lily, and Kate had spent a week deciding on what he should wear, getting more input from Bela, Charlie, Jo, her own parents, Ellen, and Ash; Ash was surprisingly good with style, and Jess was utilizing all of her options.

"You'll be fine. This outfit makes you look even hotter than you already are. He's going to be drooling all over you, and he'll hardly be able to resist you. Just use those big hands for something useful and bat those big brown eyes." Jess winked, erupting into giggles with Kate as Sam's face flushed a cherry red. Lily and Jake rolled their eyes.

Sam observed himself in the mirror, and he had to admit, he looked pretty good. He wore a pair of his signature jeans, but these were tighter, hugging his body more and shaping to his ass well. His wore a tight plaid shirt as well, which stretched over his chest and hugged his lithe muscles.

Hopefully Jess was right.

Sam's hair, which had slowly been growing out, now fell in his eyes, almost creating a curtain if he lowered his head a bit. It was great for the gangly teenage boy who hated making eye contact.

Jess and Dean had threatened to cut it multiple times.

"It's time! We have to go!" Jess shouted, looking at the clock. It was five minutes until Gabriel had said he'd arrive, and his friends needed to make their escape before anyone even knew they'd been there.

With that, Jess ran down the stairs with Lily, Kate, and Jake, all of them grabbing Kevin, Barry, Andy, and Ansem, and ran out the backdoor. They'd planned their escape route, their path crossing many backyards that lacked fences to get to their homes. They knew which houses to avoid due to trial-and-error after years of making secret nightly trips to each other's houses. It was amazing they'd never been caught and hadn't built secret underground tunnels yet.

That left Sam alone for five minutes to find something to occupy him and not ruin his clothes or anything. Mostly he sat on the couch and fidgeted with his clothes, watching the time slowly creep by.

When the clock hit that blessed time- eight o'clock- Sam's heart skipped a beat.

The doorbell rang, and Sam sat there, frozen, for a moment. Then, he jumped into action and raced to the door, swinging it wide open. There stood Gabriel, Sam's knight in shining, golden armor. His whiskey-colored eyes were on Sam, and Sam's knees felt weak. Gabriel's eyes were focused solely on him, and his insides felt as if they were melting.

"Sam," Gabriel breathed, and Sam's heart stuttered in his chest at Gabe's soft, sweet voice. Gabriel had to look up a bit to look in his eyes, and Sam has to look down a bit to see his face, but neither really minded.

"Uh, come in." Sam said, moving out of the way so Gabriel could come through the door. Gabriel did, and Sam's eyes were attracted to the sight of Gabriel's firm ass that was encased in a ratty pair of jeans. Sam's brow furrowed, now analyzing the clothes Gabriel wore. They were old and worn, the jeans fading as the material thinned on his knees. The shirt was small, too small for Gabriel, and rode up a bit every time he walked. While Sam loved the sneak peak of the older boy's stomach, he didn't like the state of his clothing.

Gabriel deserved the finest silks that money could buy. He deserved the best clothes that could be found. He didn't deserve whatever he'd probably found on clearance for a dollar at a cheap store a year ago. Sam wanted to go out right now and buy the boy clothes, but refrained himself. Barely.

"So, Sammich, how ya been? You definitely got taller," Gabriel said, throwing himself on the couch in the living room.

"I think the real question is how have you been?" Sam said, sitting beside him. Gabriel stiffened at his words, freezing momentarily.

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