Going home

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About an hour after I woke up, I was filling out discharge papers. I ate lunch, yes, i woke up late. HeHe. After the discharge papers, I took a quick shower, and then blow dried my hair. I put on my outfit which consisted of a white v-neck tucked in a navy-blue skirt that was mid-thigh and kinda flared out a little bit, a tan belt, then a long silver necklace that fell in between my stomach. I curled my long blonde hair loosley, and put on natural make-up. I put all my stuff back in my bag and open the door.

Oh. My. Gawd. I see Niall there with his guitar and the boys beside him. They smile and I smile and blush. Niall strokes his guitar. They start singing they're first song, Everything About You. I keep myself from crying, even if they are happy tears. Soon they finish the song and Niall sets the guitar down. He walks forward and holds my hands in his. He gets down on one knee. My. Heart. Skips. A. Beat. " Shelbi Denea, you literally make me the happiest man ever to have walked across this

earth. And there is nothing in this world I would ever change about you. Actually, there is one thing, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Okay. Now im crying. I smile big and nod my head. I sniffle and say," Yes. Yes, I will."

He smiles and stands up. He carefully put the ring in my finger and then we kissed. I couldnt help but smile into the kiss and then giggle. We pulled out of the kiss with the biggest smiles ever. "Yaaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!" I jumped because I totally forgot about everyone else who was there. "Louuuiiissss!" I whined. " You scared the living crap outta me!!" I slap his arm playfully. " Congragulations." Everyone congragulates us and then we all leave to go home.


Its already 5:30 pm and now Shelbi and I are gonna go eat at Nando's. While we were eating, we were talking about many random things. Thats one thing that i love about her. That I can talk to her all day, all night and not get bored. She can talk a lot, but so can I, so thats perfect. After dinner we went home and watched some movies. We were lying on our bed, with her head on my chest and my arms around her. Soon we fell asleep. With her aafe in my arms.

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