Almost Here.

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Shelbi's pov.

When we get up to the entrance if the mall, we are stopped by flashing lights, and a billion questions. If course, the paps are going to be here. Why cant they just leave us alone for a little while? I sigh and keep my head hung low, and so do the others as they throw questions like:




Okay, the last one made me upset. Of course I love Niall! Why would i be getting married to him if i didnt? Jake yells at the obnoxious paps, and we finally get inside. "Dont listen to them, Shelbi. They just want to make everyone miserable, but me and Zayn didnt let that happen, neither did Sydney and Louis. So dont let it happen to you and Niall." Perrie hugged me. I nod my head and we head off to the wedding dress store, or whatever they are called.

I know... I already have my wedding dress, but i dont want to ruin it at the reception. Also because i think I will probably be able to move around a little bit more to, and not so slow trying not to rip my dress or something. Ughh, i probably sound self centered saying that, but its true.

Anyway, we look in the store for a while, and then i end up not getting another dress, simply because i couldn't find one. So we end up going to like Jack Wills. I honestly dont know where we are going for the Honeymoon because Niall wont tell me we. All I know is that it is warm. So we walk into the shop and I head towards the bathing suits. "So, any idea where the Honeymoon is?" Leigh asks as she is standing next to me looking at a blue bikini.

"Nope. He wont tell me. I barely got the clue of it being warm out of him." I sigh. Well, it is actually sweet that he wants it to be a surprise. "Ahhh, I see. Well, do you like this one?" She holds up a yellow bikini that has white polka-dots on the top, but the bottoms are just plain yellow. I smile and nod, then she hands it to me. I pick out a couple more suits, one white one with a gold ring on the sides of the bottoms, and then a purple version of the white one, but the ring is a regular silver color.

"And I would like the General Tso's with fried rice, please." We are at this Chinese restaurant, getting some dinner. We ordered take-out, because we want to have a movie night at the hotel. After the lady gave us our food, we left. The car smelled of delicious Chinese food, it was so tempting to just eat it right now, but i knew i couldn't because since i am between Jesy and Leigh, I would most likely spill it everywhere.

We finally get to the hotel room and i rush to the bed so I could eat. "Wow, you and Niall really are a perfect couple." Jade gushes. I blush. She was talking about how I eat so much and dont really gain anything, like him. And since i dont have diabetes anymore, i can eat even more. I feel like a pig talking about how much i eat, but it is just a part of me. When i was jn middle school, kids used to make fun of me because i ate so much, even if i didnt gain anything. So they said that i would eat a whole bunch, then go and throw it up in the nurses office. Well, little did they know, i went in there to poke my finger a bunch of times, and take injections of insulin.

Oh well, those were the old days, and now look where i am! Im sure they only like me now since i am getting married to Niall Horan, and have my own record deals. "So. Braveheart, or Carrie?" Sydney holds up the movies. "How about Braveheart, then Carrie?" Perrie suggests. We all nod and then put the movie in.

Niall's pov.

"You already ate one of the pizza's! So i get this piece!" Harry whined. I chuckle. We always have these arguments, but who wins all the time? M- wait. Never mind. Shelbi always ends up taking it while Harry and I argue. Harry's back is facing the door, so i decide to trick him.

I look over Harrh's shoulder towards the door. "Hey, Paul!" I smile. Harry looks behind him and I take the piece of pizza. "Paul is no- NIALL! YOU LITTLE PIECE OF-" I slam the bathroom door on his face and he starts banging on the door as i finish the piece. I walk out when i was done and see the lads on the couch or floor watching the news.

I start to walk into the living room when the lads start yelling at me. "NO, NO, NO. GO BACK! YOU CANT SEE THIS!" Louis yells the loudest. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, and back away, putting my hands up in surrender. I walk over to the mini- kitchen and open the fridge. I pull out a coke and open it. On the microwave, it says the time is 10:07pm.

"Im gonna go to bed." I tell to the boys as they shush me. Seriously? I make my way to my room and plop on the bed. "I cant wait to hold you forever." I say quietly to myself thinking about Shelbi. I pull my phone out a tap on twitter.

@Niall_Official: Going to sleep... maybe the time will go by faster.

I toss my phone on the other side of the bed and turn on the tv and watch a little bit of Now You See Me. Soon, my eyes start to get really tired, and then fall asleep, dreaming about tomorrow.


A/N: Hey there my readers!!!!! Okay... weird way of starting my authors note.. but im just a weird person... take it or leave it! Haha... okay, so here is a chapter, hopefully you liked it, and please leave me your opinion on a comment! PLEASE!!!!! Byeee!!!!! ;))

- mrsdeneahoran

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