He Supports You

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[Name] slammed her head on the desk and mumbled an inaudible groan. That took Akashi's attention and looked up from the book he's reading. "What's the matter my empress?" he asked. "I really want to cosplay. But my parents don't support me. In fact, they are opposed to it."

Both of them are staying in Akashi's room at the moment. [Name] sat up and dived onto Akashi's queen-sixed bed, cuddling up the pillows. "Cosplay is really my passion Sei-kun. They only allow me to conventions because they thought I won the tickets and because they don't need to spend a single coin on me. But still, they don't want me to spend my money over it." She said with a sad sigh. "So that is why you're not eating that much at school." Akashi said as he stood up with a sigh. "You noticed that?" [Name] asked, surprised. "I know everything." Was his simple answer.

He walked towards her and cuddled up with her on his bed. "If that's your passion, I support you all the way. Do what you want. I'll even help you with your costumes. On one condition." He said. "Really? You'll help me?! Thank you Sei~!!!!!" [Name] excitedly said and gave Akashi a hug. He chuckled as he held her closer to himself. "Again, as I said, on one condition." Akashi's tome became serious. [Name] looked up at him, signalling him to continue. "Don't sacrifice your health just to save money. If anything happens to your health, I will personally make you quit cosplaying. Understood?" He gave [Name] a smile and she smiled back. "Of course Sei-kun. That's a deal." She replied.

Akashi stood up and got his phone from the table. [Name] just watched him confused. Akashi dialled a number and waited for someone to pick up. "Who are you calling Sei?" [Name] asked. "The tailor. I'm going to have your costume made immediately. Don't worry about the payment. I'll take care of it." He said casually. "Wha...Whaaat? Wait Sei.. That's too sudden!" she exclaimed but Akashi ignored her. "Yes, Hello...Yes..Come here to take her measurements...I want a maid costume to be done."


A/N: I'm sorry~! It's so short omfg.. T---T 

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