Request: He Proves his Feelings for you

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"[Name]." Akashi called the attention of his girlfriend. "Yes Sei-kun?" she replied walking closer to him. [Name] was currently helping Akashi in sorting out his paperwork in his office at Rakuzan. "What time are you going to go home? I'll wait for you since practice is cancelled." he said as he pulled [Name] to sit on his lap. "Oh..U-Uhh..Sorry Sei-kun. There's a sudden..uhhh.. hangout with me and my friend." she said. Akashi just raised his eyebrow and stared at her. "Where? Who are you with?" he asked. "I'll be going to the mall with my friend, Matsuoka Rin." she replied as she smiled at him. Akashi just raised his eyebrow and sighed. He turned to [Name] and smiled. "I guess it can't be helped. But you''ll be staying at my house afterwards, so give me a call." 

~Time Skip brought to you by Murasakibara's konpeito~

"Hahaha! That's so embarrassing Rin!" 

"I know! Don't laugh! And don't tell Haru I told you! He'll bring it up again."

[Name] was walking at the mall with her best friend and childhood friend, Matsuoka Rin. They met long before [Name] went to Rakuzan. She was only 7 when they met, and they've been inseperable ever since. That is until Rin decided to go overseas for his swimming career. He later cameback and when [Name] was reunited with him, she met Haru, Nagisa, Makoto, Rei, and Gou. She had been the team's coach outside of the school. Until now, the team still consults her whenever needed.

Both of them are really close. So casual physical contacts like hugging and laying on each other's laps are totally normal for them. They're like siblings now in a sense.

"So, what do you wanna buy that red-head boyfriend of yours? What's the occasion anyways?" Rin asked. "Well.." [Name] nervously fiddled with her hands. "I-I j-just want to give something for him. I-I k-know he's rich and he got almost anything but.. I wanna find something special for him."

"You're so cheesy, geez." Rin replied while scratching his head. "Well, let's go find that something! He's lucky to have you. If he makes you cry I'm going to snap his legs."

"You don't need to be soo overprotective Rin. Calm down."

"Oh yeah right. He's the one who should be careful since you'll probably end up as a manly man."

"You don't make any sense shark boy."

[Name] and Rin laughed as they continued their search. They were walking along and having fun when something caught [Name]'s eye. It was a small glass message bottle with cute little pills in them, containing short sweet messages. "Hey Rin...Look at that." she said as she pointed at the bottle. "Hmm? It can work. Let's look at it inside." Rin said as they went inside the store.

After they purchased the bottle and went to eat some dinner. [Name] took out a ballpen and some paper. "What's that for?" Rin asked her while stuffing his mouth with food. "I'm going to change the messages in the pills. I'll write something personal so it will be unique enough." she replied as she wrote while smiling. "At least eat your food first." He chuckled.

[Name] giggled. "Fine. I'll put these away. I wrote a few more." She continued writing until she replaced at least half of the messages. She rolled the last one and put the pill inside. She then carefully put it away and ate her food, her and Rin chatting and laughing. 

"Hey you got some food on your face." Rin said taking a tissue. Before he could wipe the food away, a hand grabbed his wrist tightly. "Don' her." a voice said menacingly that gave shivers to their spine. "S-Seijuro!! W-What are you doing here?!" [Name] asked surprised and scared at the same time. "I saw you go inside this mall so I followed you. Only to see you with this peasant." he said. "Hey!" Rin exclaimed as he stood up.

[Name] quickly put herself in between the two guys. "S-Sei, you're just misunderstanding things." she quickly said. "Tch. You're too close to him." Akashi said then he quickly hugged her protectively and turned to Rin. "If you ever touch her or even look at her, I'll gouge your eyes out." he threatened and attacked Rin with his scissors. "SEIJURO!" [Name] shouted as Rin luckily dodged the attack. Thanks to his amazing reflex as a swimmer.

"What the heck?!" Rin shouted at Akashi. Akashi glared at Rin and took [Name]'s things. Rin just shivered at the action. "She's mine. Know your place, peasant." Akashi aid as he dragged [Name] away, leaving Rin behind.

~Outside the mall / Parking lot~

The whole walk was silent. Akashi, not saying a word and [Name] just following him. "L-Listen S-Sei, you g-got it all wrong. W-We were just-" "You were just what?" Akashi said cutting her off and facing her.

"I-I told you were going together! You said it's fine. He was just helping me, Sei."

"That's Matsuoka Rin? I thought he was a girl that's why I agreed. Otherwise, I would be the one accompanying you. And I saw you. You two were close to each other. Closer than comfort."

[Name] sighed and took out the message bottle she got. "He's my bestfriend and childhood friend, Seijuro. Of course we'll be close. Rin is the brother I never had. He just helped me looking for this." she explained as she gave Akashi the bottle. He looked at it in surprise and confusion.

"I asked him to help me look a small gift for you since he's a guy, he can give his honest opinion." [Name] said and she looked away to hide her blush. "I...Uhh.. Replaced the the pills. Please read them. I-I k-know it's not m-much but I h-hope you like it."

Akashi sighed as she hugged her. [Name]'s eyes widen for a second then she hugged back. "I'm sorry, my empress. I'm sorry I almost killed the guy. I just don't want to lose you." he said.

"I understand Sei. Thank you." she said as she let go of him. "I'll read all of your messages and treasure it forever. Thank you my love." he said as placed a kiss on [Name]'s lips. 

"I love you my empress."

"Love you too Sei."


"Soooo, you were jealous?"

"So what if I am?"

"The great and powerful emperor is jealous! My emotionless and 'oh so powerful' boyfriend is jealous! HAHAHAHAHA! Don't kill anybody Sei. You'll end up in a jail."



Hiiiiii! Sorry for the wait! I know the request is just Akashi being jealous to someone talking to the reader but I can't help but make this into this scenario. >_< 

So yeah, I hope you'll enjoy this! <3

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