He Will Act Like Your Own Personal Doctor

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*cough* *cough*

[Name] groaned as she got up from her bed. Her throat hurts and she has a high fever, her head aches as she held on the bedpost for support. She's almost standing until the red-haired emperor walked in to her room. "You shouldn't be getting up [Name]." he said as he placed the tray he's carrying to her desk and carrying her gently to her bed. [name]'s voice croaked as she tried to call for him. "Sei-kun.." she said as her voice faltered. "Don't push yourself to talk if your throat hurts. You should rest. Here. I brought you this." Akashi said as he took the tray nearer to [Name].

She noticed the small meal he prepared especially for her so she could easily eat and digest it. It was accompanied by a glass of water, medicine, and a single red rose. She gently took the rose from the tray and smiled at Akashi which warmed the emperor's heart. "I took it from the garden. I knew you'd like it." He said as he begun to spoon her some of the soup he prepared. "Open up. I made this for you." [Name] feeling weak, let him do whatever he needed to do. After he fed her, he made her take the medicine and lay her down on the bed. Pulling the blankets over her.

He took the rose she's been holding the whole time and place it on her desk. He sighed and gave [Name] a gentle smile. "I told you so." He said to her sitting beside her bed, remembering the events that happened yesterday. "I told you not eat those candies in one go." He paused and he put an ice bag on her forehead. "You even managed to get wet from the rain."

"Sorry sei-kun." She said as she gave him a cheeky smile. He sighed and he smiled at her. "Rest now [Name]. I'm taking you on a date when you get better." He said. "Thanks for taking care of me Sei." She said as she felt her eyelids get heavy. He silently giggled. 'Even if she's sick she looks cute.' Akashi thought. He placed a gentle kiss on her left cheek. "It's no problem. Get well soon." He whispered.



 I'm sorry if it's too short for your liking! 

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