He Hates it When You Feel Weak

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Akashi paced through the corridor (A/N: OH WELL IMAGINE AS PACING THE PEWS ON THE CHURCH CORRIDOR- //slapped) worriedly looking for [Name]. They were supposed to meet at the gym so [Name] could watch her beloved emperor play. But she never came.


"Where is she? She's late." Akashi said. "Maybe there's something that came up Sei-chan. She's probably on the way here." Reo said. Minutes has passed and Akashi decided to call her. After a few rings, she answered. "[Name]? Where are you?" he said. "S-Sei-kun?" she answered. Akashi swore he heard her sniffling. "[Name], Are you okay? What happened? Where are you?" his voice became serious. All of his teammates stopped practicing and set their eyes on Akashi. "I-I'm fine Sei-chan. Sorry I couldn't call you. I just- "he cut her off with a question yet again, "Where are you? Are you still here at school?"

"Yes I am. Don't worry Seijuro. I'm on my way. I'm sorry if I worried you." She said. "No. Stay there. I'll find you." And with that, he hanged up. He turned to his teammates and told them to continue practicing.

-Flashback end-

He stopped in his tracks in front of the chemistry laboratory as he heard sniffling inside. He opened the door and scanned the whole room. He found someone sitting on a little space on the corner of the room. It was [Name]. She's hugging her legs and her forehead rested on top of her knees. "[Name]." Akashi said as he kneeled down in front of his girlfriend. [Name] looked up at him and he immediately saw the dried tears on her cheeks and the sad and tired eyes of hers. She hugged him and buried her face in his chest and she let out soft cries as she told Akashi what happened.

She told him how Akashi's fangirls and their guy friends bullied her. He found out that it was going on for quite some time but this was the first time they did something physical. His eyes grew wide as he noticed the wounds on her arms as he hugged her. They had beaten her up and blackmailed her that if she tried to fight, they would bring harm to her friends.

"I was really scared. I felt really useless and pathetic. I'm so sorry Seijuro." She tearfully said to him. He hated this. He hated to his empress feel weak and vulnerable. He hated the fact that he didn't notice anything until this happened. Akashi wiped her tears away. "Shh. Don't be sorry. You were really brave for what you did. You're not useless and pathetic, you're the most amazing person I have ever met and I continue to adore you for all the things that you do. Please, don't cry anymore. I'm here. I'll protect you. Smile for me my empress." He said while holding [Name] close. "Thank you Sei-kun." She hugged him once more and smiled brightly at him.

He picked [Name] bridal style and brought her to the clinic to tend to her wounds. They went home afterwards. Akashi, holding [Name]'s hands and making her feel safe.

-Time Skippu by Kuroko's milkshakes-

The next day, it was announced that [Name]'s fangirls has been expelled as well as the boys. Well, the boys ended up in a hospital, their teacher said. After her class [Name] quickly rushed to where Akashi is. She burst through the door of his office and her eyes fell on the red-head. Akashi seems to have expected this so he opened his arms wide and [Name] tackled him in a hug. "Thank you Sei-kun." Akashi smiled at her. "I'll do anything to protect my empress." He said and he kissed her forehead. "I love you Sei-kun."

"I love you too [Name].."

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