Request: He Makes Time For You

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   [Name] sighed as she wandered through the noisy hallways of a mall located near her school. She decided to take a break so she went to nearest Maji Burger and ordered. She wasn't hungry, no. She was feeling rather lonely. She said thank you to the cashier and went to sit near a window. She took a small bite of her food and let her thoughts roam.

   These past few days, Akashi was very busy. From his school to their family business. He never really had the chance to take a day off from it. [Name] was starting to feel neglected. She tries not though, she understands why and how much pressure Akashi was going through. She might not understand his business but she understands the reason behind it. She didn't want to bother him in his work, so she kept quiet and let everything pass. She was willing to wait until his schedule cleared up because she knows that Akashi will probably take her on a date afterwards.

   Going back to the matter at hand, [Name] was slowly eating her food and scrolling through her phone to pass time. Today was supposed to be their date, but because Akashi was very busy, they had no other choice but to cancel it. She sighed for the 3rd time today. She checked the time on her watch and saw that it's was only 2pm. She frowned, it was too early to go home. But she was too bored and sad to stay holed up in her room all day. She even dressed up for today. She spent weeks to decide on what she will wear for the date but when it was cancelled, she didn't want for it to go to waste.

   Time passed by, minutes turned to hours. It was past 4 pm when she decided to go home. After all, she spent hours just sitting there with no one, scrolling through her phone. As soon as she stepped out of the establishment, her eyes widened. In front of her, a stretch limousine was parked. Standing in front of it, was the red-headed emperor. HER red-headed emperor.

   Akashi was holding a large bouquet of roses smiling fondly at her. [Name]'s eyes teared up as she ran towards him. Akashi's arms opening wide for her as she jumped into his arms. "What are you doing here?" [Name] asked, whispering to his ears. Akashi hugged her tighter, "I promised I would take you on a date today remember?" he answered. They let go of each other and Akashi looked at [Name]'s teary eyes. "But what about work? What will your father say? And you're supposed to be resting. You're too overworked to go." she asked.

   "I finished all of my work. And I can't rest knowing that my empress is waiting for me to take her on date." He smiled. "B-But Sei--" Akashi silenced her words with a kiss. "I'd rather be with you than to stay at home alone. I am deeply sorry for I have neglected my empress for days." He said. [Name]'s tears of happiness fell from her eyes and hugged Akashi. After a moment that seems forever, she pulled away. "Thank you Seijuro."

   He smiled at her, kissing her forehead. "I'll always make time for you. No matter what, I promise I'll stay by your side." He kissed [Name] passionately and when he pulled away, he opened the door to his limousine. "Now, my empress, go inside and make yourself comfortable. I reserved us a table at a restaurant. Then I'll show you a new place for this date of ours."



Hi! Thank you for requesting! This oneshot is so short >.<  I'm sorry if you wanted it to be longer, I'm having writer's block. I just came home from Cosplay Mania 2017 so I'm having post-convention depression. lol.


Okay, as I'm trying to get over this convention syndrome, I thank you again for reading and waiting for updates. Luv u all. :*

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