He's Your Hero

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Warning: This oneshot contains mild cussing and violence. 

Oh, and sorry if Akashi is a little OOC here. I tried.

On with the story!


[Name] was walking outside the building of her school. She decided to stop by the gym to watch Akashi play. As she went nearer to the gym, her mouth was suddenly covered and she was dragged to the back of the building. The person uncovered her mouth and she was about to scream when her eyes went wide. "[Ex's name]?! What the actual fuck?!" she exclaimed (A/N: If you don't have an ex, well you have now.) They broke up long before Akashi asked her out. She couldn't believe that he's still throwing himself at her. "Oh come on. I'm sorry. I just wanted to talk to you." He said as he grinned at her, earning [Name]'s fierce glare. "We have nothing to fucking talk about. Piss off." She said as she started to walk away.

[Ex's Name] pulled her wrist and pinned her to wall. Holding her wrists above her head. She was about to scream when he covered her mouth. "Shh. Someone might her you. I just want you back." He whispered to her ear. She tried to kick him but he punched in the stomach. He let her hands go and she fell to the ground holding where he had punched her. "Sorry for hurting you babe. You won't calm down." He smirked at her. At this point, [Name] was getting more and more scared by the second. Fearing what he will do to her.

He kneeled beside [Name] and smirked. [Name] tried to sit up straight while clutching her stomach as she glared at her. As soon as he saw the way she looked at him, he smacked her. She let out a yelp and she felt blood on her lips. "Don't look at me with those eyes." [Ex's name] said and he held her throat with one hand, choking her. [Name]'s hands shot up to his arms. Trying to break free.

Before [Ex's name] can do anything else a shadow loomed over them. And in the blink of an eye, he was pushed off her with a strong force. "[Name] what happened? Are you okay?" Akashi said to her, inspecting the bruise she had. Akashi slowly stood up and went towards [Ex's name], and punched him twice. "How dare you touch her." He said pulling his collar and making him stand up. "How dare you hurt her." He said as he twisted [Ex's name] arm. He cried out in pain as he fell and Akashi stepped on his head. "Know your place, scum. This is where your eyes meet mine."

"F-Fuck!" [Ex's Name] said as he tried to escape. Akashi only applied more pressure on his head. [Name] just watched in fear as she watched Akashi let out his wrath. She was snapped from her thoughts when [Ex's name] screamed. "S-Seijuro. T-That's enough. Please stop." She said as she pulled on Akashi's sleeve slightly. Surprisingly, he lifted his foot and stepped back. [Name] clutched Akashi's arm in attempt to calm him down. "If you still want to live, don't come near her again. That's an order, peasant." Akashi said. Making [Ex's name] run for his life.

"S-Seijuro..." She stopped speaking as Akashi suddenly hugged her. "I'm sorry. I should've came sooner." He said. She hugged him back, letting out the tears come out. "S-Sei... I w-was so s-scared." He held her close, comforting her, assuring her everything will be okay. After she calmed down, he carried her and took her to the clinic. On the way, Akashi's teammates were searching for them. And as soon as they saw her and Akashi, the came running. Akashi explained everything to them briefly and their faces looked furious and worried. "When I find that bastard I'm going to rip him apart." Nebuya said. "How dare he punch your pretty face? I'll mess up his face for you [Name]-chan!" said Reo while clenching his fists. "I'll break his limbs for he did." Kotaro said, teeth gritted. Mayuzumi just stood there looking worried as he spoke. "I'm sure Akashi-san already did what has to be done." He said.

Akashi thanked them for their concern and walked away with you in his arms. Once you reached the clinic, he tended [Name]'s wounds and held her close. "If he came 7 meters away from you, I'll cut him to shreds." Akashi threatened. [Name] hugged him tighter. "I'm sure he won't. Thank you Sei."

"I'll protect you no matter what."

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