He's Your Safe Place

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"Hey Sei-kun." [Name] said catching the emperor's attention as he was playing shogi by himself again. "Yes love?" he said as he looked at her and smiled. "Can we watch a movie together? It's raining outside and it's perfect to stay indoors and watch some." She asked with pleading eyes. Akashi chuckled at his girlfriend's request. "Sure, I will be right with you. You can set up the movie." He said as [Name] cheered and ran towards the living room with excitement.

She decided the movie and ran upstairs to get some more pillows and blankets and bring them down, making a fort in the middle of the living room. Meanwhile, Akashi decided to prepare some snacks. He decided that it was absolutely necessary since they were going to have a movie night. He went to the living room holding the snacks and his eyes went wide as he saw the pillow fort. He walked towards it and placed the snacks within reach. As he was about to look inside, [Name] yanked his hand making him fall and lay down on the cushions. She giggled as Akashi chuckled and hugged his girlfriend close. "Let's start the movie shall we?" he said as she nodded happily, starting the movie.

~Time skip brought to you by Aomine and Kagami~

As the movie went on, the scene shifted to one of those action scenes where the protagonist's love interest got kidnapped and was held as hostage. [Name] imagined how it was possible for that to happen in real life. Akashi somehow sensed her worry, "[Name]? What is it my empress? Does that make you unamused? I can change it if you want to." He asked. "No Sei-kun. I like the movie. I really do. I just thought that it would be really scary for that to happen in real life." [Name] replied.

Akashi wrapped his arms around her protectively as he whispered in her ear. "Don't worry my empress. I won't let anything like that to happen. And even if that happens, I'll will find you and kill whoever it is dared to kidnap you and make you cry. I'll protect you, no matter what happens." He said as he held her tighter. [Name] snuggled to him. "I love you Sei." She whispered. "I love you too my empress." He replied as they continued to watch the movie.

Yeah, he was definitely [Name] knight in shining armor and the safest place she could ever ask for.



Okay, so these last parts will be very short. Unfortunately. Sorry, school messed up my brain. So to apologize, I will make another version of one of the chapters here. Please look forward to it! :)

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