He Trusts You

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 "Seijuro, can I... No wait, that's not how I should tell him.. Sei-kun, uhhmm.. DAMMIT THIS SO HARD!" [Name] sighed as she (A/N: or he. Whichever y'all like) looked herself in the mirror. [Name] needed to go to a friend's house for their group project. It was fine by her since the house was nearby. The problem was, she was the only girl in the group. Everyone knows she's "one-of-the-boys" but her boyfriend, Akashi Seijuro, thinks otherwise. He couldn't stand the fact that his girlfriend was and IS being surrounded by boys. The mere thought of not making her happy sends pain in his chest and paranoia that she'll leave him. Not that [Name] knows of his insecurities though.

She sighed for the Nth time. She's wearing a black blouse, skinny jeans, and boots. Modest enough right? [Name] kept on practicing her explanation to Akashi in front of the mirror. Hoping that he wouldn't be so tough on her. She was so focused that she didn't notice the person that came in.

"[Name] what are you doing?" Akashi said as [Name] jumped in surprise. "Sei! Don't do that! I almost had a heart attack." She said with hands on her chest to calm her thundering heart. "I'm sorry my empress." He chuckled and hugged [Name] from the back. "Why are you talking to a mirror? And where...where are you going?"

"Uhhh...W-well.." [Name] stuttered. Akashi frowned and stood in front of her. "Look at me [Name]." he ordered. [Name] shivered as she looked straight into Akashi's eyes. He kept his gaze on her as he tried to keep a poker face. It was amazing for him though, that you could look him in the eye and see him as he is. Not what he seems to be. That is one of the many reasons Akashi fell in love with you in the first place.

"T-the thing is, I h-have to go to [male friend's name]'s h-house for our project. A-and I t-thought I s-should tell you since you d-don't want to see me with other boys." [Name] stuttered as she explained everything to Akashi. "B-BUT I r-really need to go since it's for [worst subject] a-and-"

[Name] didn't get to finish her sentence as Akashi kissed her forehead and chuckled. "Silly empress. You don't need to be scared. You don't even need my permission to go there. Yes, I don't want to see you with other boys. But..." he paused as he hugged her. "But I do trust you my empress. I don't need you to ask permission but I do need you to tell me his address."

[Name]'s eyed widened for a second as she hugged Akashi back. "Thanks for trusting me Sei." She said and buried her face more into his chest, inhaling his scent. "I do trust you empress. But I don't trust them. That is why I need his name, address, phone number, and- "[Name]'s chuckle stopped Akashi from continuing. She looked up and smiled at him, melting his heart.

"Your overprotectiveness is showing again Sei-kun. Calm down. You can pick me up after 3 hours. How about this, you can text me to check up on me. And if I didn't reply after 2 minutes, take it as a sign for you to come." She proposed. Akashi smiled at [Name] as he pondered on her words. "Sure." He said as he leaned in for a kiss.


Author's Note: Please read

I ish back with ze one shoooooots~! *0* There's more to be published so stay tuned. :) If there are any request or you want a specific "sign" please feel free to message me and comment. Thank you~!!!

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