He Always Keeps in Touch

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[Name] hugged her pillow to herself as she laid on her bed. She sighs deeply as she glances to her phone. She looked at her wallpaper of her and Akashi on their first date. They were on a park holding each other's hands and smiling brightly. "Sei, I miss you already." She mumbled sadly.

Akashi was on a business trip for a week. He's already been gone for 3 days. And of course, being the possessive midget he is, he called [Name] every day. If not, every hour. Let's just say there are at least 4 calls in one day. Sweet messages are sent to her saying he's alright or he misses everything about her. Despite that, [Name] cannot help but feel lonely.

It may not seem like it but Akashi is really clingy when they're alone together. She misses his presence and he misses hers too.

As she reminiscence their happy moments, her phone buzzed to life. "Hello?" she answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello my empress, how are you? You're not crying are you?"

"Sei-kun! I'm fine and I'm not crying. Don't worry."

With that, they begin to talk about how did their day go. Filling their hearts with happiness even if it's temporary.

"When will you come home Sei? I miss you." [Name] said sadly.

"I'm sorry my love, As much as I want to see you and hold you, I can't go home immediately. I'll be coming home after a few days. So wait for me okay?"

"I understand Sei. Sorry for being so selfish."

"You don't have to be. I miss you too. How about a date when I get home?"

"Sure. I'd love that Sei."

"And I love you too. Don't worry I will always keep in touch until I get back to hold you again."



Aaaaaand here's an update. Sorry guys, I had writer's block. I know.. It's so short and shitty. I'M SORRY ;-; 

I'll do better next time! 

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