Request:He Accepts What You Are

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 "Hey Sei-kun." [Name] said while cuddling with her beloved emperor. "Yes love?" he sighed. She could feel his hot breath on her ear. Blushing as Akashi slyly but her earlobe. "D-D-Don't do that!" She retorted, playfully punching his chest. Akashi just chuckled and held her tighter. "What is it that you want my empress?" he said lovingly. "I'm bored. Let's play 20 questions." [Name] said, looking at him. "20 questions?" he asked. "Yeah. I'm going to ask a question then you answer it honestly then you're going to ask me and I'm going to answer. That simple."

Akashi just looked at her and pondered. "That seems uninteresting, [Name]. Let's just go on a date." He suggested. "But Seeeeeei ~! Come on! It will be fuuuun! Besides I'm too comfortable cuddling, I don't want to get up." The red emperor just sighed and agreed. "Fine. But I'm taking you on a date afterwards." "Yaaaaaaaay!!" she cheered.

"So Sei, here's question one. If you're going to choose, Aomine or Kuroko?"

"Kuroko. Because he's-"

"Sssshhh. You don't need to explain. Just answer. Now, ask me a question."
"Fine. Paris or Greece?"

"Hmm. I haven't been to both countries. So both. Next question for you Sei. Choose, get a pet cat or help Kuroko in taking care of Nigou?"

"Help Kuroko instead. I don't want a cat. My turn, what will you do if some girl suddenly hugged me when were on a date?"

"Cut the bitch up. Don't you dare let anyone have you but me. I'll kill anyone who dares to take you. So anyway, live in with Kise or move in with Kuroko?"

"Language [Name], don't worry, I'll love only you. But I'd rather move in with Kuroko than deal with Ryouta's childishness. [Name] why are your questions about Kuroko?"

"Ehehehe. Well..."

[Name] sat up and scratched her head. "Well you see.." she started. "I'm waiting." Akashi said, crossing his arms. [Name] just sighed and took something from her bag under the bed. "Remember when I said I'm friends with an artist and I asked her to make something for me?" she asked. Akashi did remember saying that the other day, she was so happy so he didn't ask what did she asked to make. "Yes I do remember—" His eyes widened as the thought dawned on him. Akashi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "[Name] please tell me that this is not one of those gay obsession of yours." [Name] gasped at him. "Excuse me? It's called yaoi and no I am not obsessing over it. Maybe a little. But still." She then showed a fanart of him and Kuroko holding hands. "[Name] please. I told you I accept that you like that kind of stuff but please." Akashi said, sighing once more and flopped down the bed. Hands beneath his head.

"Besides, I thought you don't want anyone else to have me but you?" "I do want you to myself always Seijuro." She said while securing the fanart back to her bag. "I do want you to myself and certainly don't want you to cheat on me just because you found someone better than me, or smarter, or prettier." She said sadly, facing him. Akashi sat up and kissed her fully on her lips. "Why would I cheat on you if you're better than anyone else? I only love you." Akashi said as he pulled her to cuddle once more. "I love you too Sei. But if you fell out of love with me, at least replace me with Kuroko." [Name] said seriously and Akashi just gave her a "What the fuck babe?" look.

"No, seriously. I'll kill anyone who takes you away from me but if it's Kuroko then maybe I'll just let it pass." She explained. "[Name], love, please, stop imagining things like that." He said as he cringed and stood up. "Where are you going Sei-kun?" [Name] asked. I didn't make him mad, did I? She thought. Akashi held her hand and helped her stand up. "We're going on a date. So I can prove to you that you're the only one for me." He said. "Really?! Right now? Where are we going?" she said. "Yes. You said you haven't went to Paris and Greece. So I'm taking you there. Get dressed."




Yoooooo, So here's a request! This is for @Philippines_Hetalia 

I'm working on other updates so I'm going to publish them soon. I have almost 12 hrs of school so please bear with me and be patient in waiting. Thank you for the love you gave and for reading my stories. Luv u guys. 

Also, I'm throwing this out here. Please read my other stories~! I have a songfic for Kise and the Tsuncarrot. They need love too! #ShamelessPlug



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