Chapter Five.

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I stomped out of the Great Hall, not missing his guilt stricken face, but I don't give a shit, I hate him. I HATE SIRIUS BLACK!

Two pairs of hands grabbed my shoulders, and I turned, seeing Reg and Meda.

"I can't believe he said those things," Meda said, giving me a hug, and passing me over to Reg.

"Upright ass, he is," Reg said, hugging me now.

"Agreed," Meda said with a nod of her head, I let go of Reg. "Evans had started yelling at him, and Potter had actually yelled at him too."

Bellatrix walked past. "Mudblood," she sneered at me.

"Love you too, Bellatrix!" I called back. "Mwah! Mwah!"

She stared at me back, looking a little scared, and then she walked away.

"Only you have that affect on her," Reg said, laughing now.

I shrugged. "It's not like you called me Mudblood. You would be dead at this point."

"I could have guessed as much," he said, trying to stop laughing. "So, the Hogesmead trip in a few weeks, do you want to go with me?"

"Sounds good," I said.

"You know, like a date?"

"I would have guessed as much," I said.

The next day in Transfiguration, I took the seat beside Lily, who didn't seem so pleased, but put up with it. I did all my work, and the casual first, second, third, fourth, and fifth year work, which killed me, but I managed. All I had to do for the first four years was theory, so yeah, all I needed to know were the spells, and what they did. I was the first one out, but Sirius was right behind me, and he had grabbed my arm.

"No," I said, pulling my arm from him, and rushing away from him, before he said anything, to go to Dumbledore's office for my fourth lesson of the day, which was a free period, which meant he taught me what I'd probably need to catch up on.

"Harley," Professor Dumbledore said at the end of the lesson.

"Yes, Professor?" I asked.

"Is there anything you wish to tell me?"

"No, Professor," I said.

"What about the row you had with Sirius Black?" he asked.

"Well, he said rude things to me, and I'm not talking to him," I said awkwardly.

He nodded. "I believe the boy is jealous of you and Regulas," he said.

I smiled. "I guessed as much."

"Do you think that you'll be able to forgive him for what he said to you?"

"We shall see," I replied. "But, Professor, it'll take a while, and a mirical, I'm not really a forgiving person."

At lunch, I went to sit with Meda and Reg.

"Mudblood," Avery spat at me.

I ran my hand up his arm. "Avery, I know you love me and all, but it's never going to happen," I said sweetly, and cracked up laughing at his red face, and I sat beside Reg, who I kissed.

SIRIUS POV (Eve's idea, since Deb had nothing else to write)

She told me she hates me, and it sucks. I shouldn't have said that to her! I'm such a stupid idiot! My lunch didn't look apetizing. I turned over to see Harley at the Slytherin table. Her hand was rubbing Avery's arm, and she spoke to him. He went bright red, and she laughed at him, and joined my brother, who kissed her. I looked away, and glared at my lunch.

"Evans," I said to her, a little desparate now.

"What?" she spat at me.

"How could I get Harley to forgive me?" I asked her.

She seemed slightly surprised. "I'm not sure, she's not forgiving, and don't you get her flowers, she hates them."

"No flowers," I said.

"Don't get a picture of a Harley Davidson, or she'll dump you in the lake," she said.

I nodded, feeling needy. I've never felt this way, but then again, I've never been rejected for my brother.

"AHH!!" a girl shrieked, making my head snap over to the Slytherin table. Andromeda had jumped up onto the chair. "Huge spider!"

Harley and Regulas started to laugh, and they said something to her, and Andromeda blushed, and sat down. Avery walked over, and said something to Harley, which made Harley say something, and blow kisses at him, and he turned red again. Regulas and Andromeda was doubled over in laughter, it made me wonder what they said to each other.

I turned back, and a girl was watching me at the Hufflepuff. I gave her a flirty smile after I looked over her. Her hair was light brown, almost mistakable for blonde, hazel eyes, and hot. She sent one back, and her friend punched her, obviously annoyed that she wasn't listening to her. The girl reluctantly looked over at her friend, and defended herself, and looked out of the corner of her eye a lot.

"And only a few days ago you pissed off the girl you obviously like," Prongs said as he sat beside me.

"I didn't like her, Prongs," I told him.

"Sure you didn't. Then why did you get jealous of her and your brother?"

"I didn't get jealous," I growled, balling my hands into fists.

"Yes you did," Moony said as he sat next to me. "That was rather impolite."

I was glad that Wormtail didn't say anything against me, or Prongs.

"What the hell?" Prongs said, looking over my shoulder, and I looked back.

Snivellous had stopped talking, and Harley looked like she was going to cry, my hand found itself on my wand, and Harley waved her hand, grinning. That girl is crazy. I got up, and in another chance for her to fogive me, I walked over the Slytherin table. "Harley," I said.

She turned around, her gaze hardened and she got up.

"Please, Harley, I didn't mean what I said, I was just annoyed."

"And then you go and take it out on me," she snapped and manauvered around me, but I got in her way, she sighed. "What you said hurt, Sirius, and don't you expect me to fogive you when you say sorry!"

"But I am!" I urged. "I wasn't thinking--"

"Oh for Merlin's sake, shut up," she groaned, and she walked the other way. Avery said something. "Not in the mood, birdy," she growled as she went past.

"Well . . . you sure screwed that up," Regulas said to me.

"Yeah, I agree," Andromeda said.

"Shut up," I growled at the two.

"Oh, no we won't," he said. "What she wants is a real apology, not excuses! Not once have you actually said 'Sorry', no, you just gave her excuses!"

"When did you bother to care?" I growled at him.

"Because she's not as happy as she usually is, thank you!"

"Not once has she actually offered us to go to the Dark Side," Andromeda argued.

"And believe me, that's worrying."

"Well, how the hell do you propose I get her to forgive me?"

"Cookies, and a note that says 'Welcome to the Dark Side, we have Cookies'," Snivellous answered.

"That'll work," Andromeda said. "Now get going."

It annoyed me that I had taken advise from Snivellous, but I did it after my last class of the day. I went to the kitchens, and got the House Elves to make cookies, and I asked them to give them to Harley in the morning, with a note of my apology, and on the front, 'Welcome to the Dark Side, we have Cookies'. I hope the crazy lady forgives me.

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