Chapter Twenty Three.

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I just re-read this book, it's really poorly written. I don't think I informed this account, but Eve died earlier this year, and I've been pretty depressed. I'm going to finish this book before I go back to my own account, otherwise I would forget.

I also have exams coming up.


Sirius didn't last an hour before he ran to me for forgiveness. It was great, highly amusing, and awkward because goddamn it, I was in the middle of a speech. In front of absolute randoms. You know what I said, like, a couple hours ago, the thing about me not ever having to do that sorta thing again?

Yeah, I was lied to, and I lied to you because of that lie.

"Sirius, get off my foot," I said after the moment of shock passed. "And wait outside."

"But--" he started, but I cut him off by putting a finger to my lips, and then the other hand pointed to where the door was. He got up, looked around, turned red before rushing out.

After my speech, I had a sudden occurance. "Professor, noon passed a while ago."

He raised an eyebrow, before he realized. "Ah, yes . . ." he said. "After this meeting, why not?"

"Sounds great."

"I shall send the owl now," he told me, then turned to the small group. "You may ask her questions."

I feel like a display show. I smiled over at them, and answered all their questions. They seemed satisfied with me, they just didn't know what to call me. I have so many names ya know?

After the meeting, I went to see Sirius, and sighed at him. "Don't ever pull that to me ever again," I told him with a frown.

He pouted at me, but I wasn't done.

"Do you not realize what position I'm in?" I asked him. "You basically just embarassed me in front of the Governers of the school, Sirius."

He glared suddenly. "Oh, so I'm an embarassment, am I?"

I glared back. "Don't you twist my words," I told him, putting a hand on my hip.

"You're not denying it!" he growled. "And why would you even care that you're being embarassed? You embarass yourself without even knowing it."

Now that actually stung. I held a passive face. "I don't embarrass myself in front of people I shouldn't, Sirius," I said coolly. "And I do know exactly what I'm doing, I don't happen to do anything idiotic. I may seem like an idiot, but I'm not."

And with that, I walked back in, not exactly the most happiest person out there, but hey, my day was bound to get better after visiting my grandfather. Of course, I wasn't going to neglect the people who raised me, and looked after me for my life, ya know, the ones that I love to this day, but I wanted to know about my birth family.

"You don't seem quite pleased," Dumbledore commented.

I wanted to be sarcastic, but he's Dumbledore, I shant be sarcastic to Dumbledore! "A little, but meh," I said, shrugging. "It was bound  to happen at some point."

He analyzed me, it was weird. "Okay then. Shall we go?"

"We shall," I said with a grin. He held out his arm, and I grabbed ahold of it. The feeling of being sucked up into a tube, and then throwing right out of it wasn't fun. Then the landing, of which I was not prepared to be that sudden made me trip.

"Fantastic," I muttered.

"Ah, Aberforth," Dumbledore said, and I turned, and tripped over again. Oh dear, I'm a clutz at the moment. 

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