Chapter Thirteen.

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I'm finding it hard to read things atm, I'm brainless and I was up all night. So forgive me.
Hehehehehehe, Eve and I are either : Dave or M&M's. :P We have no idea it's Dave, it should be Deve, but we failed and called it Dave.
I usually don't write things like this chapter >.>


I walked into the Dumbledore's office without knocking. I was freaking exhausted. My hand was sort of fixed, it just hurt.

"Harley, where were you last night?" Dumbledore asked.

The tone in his voice was sort of angry and worrying. It worried me.

"I was on Hogesmead, Professor," I said. "I didn't know how to get back."

It was true, I couldn't just walk in there and say, "hey, I'm going to go walk through here so I can get into the castle, I don't want to be bitten either, so could you not?"

Yep, I won't get bitten. Note the sarcasm.

"You should have stayed at the gate, Harley," he said angrily.

Now that is scary. "It was too cold to stay there," I said slowly trying not to stammer, but something else was in my tone.

His eyes softened. "Go to bed, you look tired," he said.

I nodded, and went into my bed. I changed into something more dry and comfortable, then met my bed. I smiled as I went to sleep.

Now my dream was the most tacky dream that's possible. Sirius was in it.

That Monday, in Charms, I put a warming charm on on orange.

"Interesting," I said. "It smells nice."

A kid sitting beside me laughed. "Indeed it does," he said. "I'm Barty Crouch Jr."

"I'm Harley Davidson," I said with a smile. He had messy sandy blonde hair, and brown eyes.

"Like the--"

"Say it, and you'll be on fire," I said darkly.

He didn't finish it, but he smiled. "It does smell nice though."

I have no idea what happened with the insides, so I wanted to see. I prodded it. It wiggled like jelly and it broke. "Professor, I killed my orange!"

It's juices were all over my desk.

Professor Flitwick came up. "I'm worried for the future if you're going to be in it," he squeaked giving me a new orange, and cleaning up the mess. "Don't prod it this time."

I flicked my wand at it, thinking the spell instead of saying it out loud. Verbal magic confuses me.

By the end of the lesson, I had charred orange, and I ate it (even the skin, I don't eat it usually, but I was curious).

It was damned delicious, but I had needed something to make sure I got none of it on me, so I was eating it in a glass, with a straw.

I then had Potions and I was still eating it when I walked into class.

"Miss Davidson, please put that in the-- what is that?" Slughorn asked.

"The orange I cooked in Charms," I said innocently.

"You cooked an orange in Charms?" Slughorn said. "What were you supposed to be doing?"

"Warming charms, he just didn't expect for somebody to do it so quickly," I said. Little did he know I had been been doing them with Dumbledore ever since that incident with me almost dying of hypothermia. I then ate the last of it, and then put it into the bin.

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