Chapter Twenty Four.

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I turned around and walked past Sirius, who didn't looked so pleased himself. Screw him. I didn't care, what he said hurt, and to be honest, I only implyed, he told me straightup that I actually am embarrasing. What a dick.

With a sigh, I exited the Great Hall, and went up to my room. Dumbledore was there, he said a polite, 'morning', but I didn't want to say anything, so I just walked into my room, and closed the door behind me.

I started to read a book I had taken out from the library (Madam Prince doesn't know about that, so shh).

Outside, I heard Barty's voice. "Hello, sir, is Harley here?"

"I'm not coming out, and you're not coming in!" I yelled through the door, after Dumbledore said, "in there."

"Why not?" he asked after a moment.

"Because a) I'm lazy, and b) my room is a mess," I told him. Actually, my room is actually quite clean, I just like my room that people don't go in it. I was just that lazy.

Another pause. "Fair enough. Talk to you later, then?"

"Sounds good."

I heard him inquire somethiing to Dumbledore, and since it was none of my business, I ignored it, and started reading again. It was actually quite a good book, a little weird, because this person didn't know jack about muggles.

But it still amused me, because the authors perception on Muggles were just that bad.

Muggles had an excuse, they didn't know about magic, they just wrote what they thought would be a good idea. Though, the originals were where people got their ideas from, and the originals were the ones that got most things right, and were usually killed because of their knowledge.

It was old times.

Hm, we have out OWL's in a few weeks.

(Major time-skip because I don't really care for Barty's and Harley's conversation)

Later, on a Thursday, our OWL exams ended, and I had to leave early, because Dumbledore was gone for a conference with the Mistry (leaving me in charge).

I had just so happened to go outside to the lake, because it was too good of a day to be inside doing jack shit, to find that Sirius, and James had Severus by the ankle, in the middle of nowhere, well, there's no air. They had scourgified his mouth just as I had seen it.

I, rather pissed off, more so than I should be, stormed down there, and dropped Severus from the air, and he landed on the ground.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked them with a tone of incredible authority. "What the hell gives you two the right to do that?"

Severus was speaking, I heard something along the lines of 'didn't need help' and 'mudblood'. I turned to him.

"And I don't need yours, Severus," I snapped at him. "Now be quiet."

I turned back to the pair, Sirius looked murderous, and Remus was holding him away.

"Remus, let go of him," I told him. "Sirius, James, get your arses up to the castle, and wait there."

"What makes you have the right to do that?" Sirius snapped at me.

"Because," I replied coldly, "Dumbledore is currently not here, leaving me in charge. So get up there before I have to make you."

 After a moment, the pair made their ways up to the castle, and I followed them. "Follow," I told them, before taking them up to Dumbledore's office. I sat them down.

"What on earth were you thinking?" I asked them. 

"You're only being a bitch because we're not even together," Sirius muttered.

"If I was, Potter wouldn't be here, Black," I said. "And because I, as the temporary Headmistress, I can't ignore either of your behaviviour."

"So what are you going to do, Headmistress?" Sirius sneered.

How did I even like him, he's such a bastard! "I'll be sending an owl to Mr. And Mrs. Potter about both of your behaviour. And Black," I said, noticing his face, "you have more to lose. I am also giving you both seperate detentions, two each. I'll owl you the details. Now leave."

After giving out the detentions, Severus came up, apologizing about calling me a mudblood. I shrugged. "Severus, I don't really care at the moment, when Dumbledore comes back, I'll care then," I told him with a sigh. I had really just put two of my friends in detention. Well, I had put one who I was pissed off at, and his accomplance, in detention.

Dumbledore came back.

"WOO!" I screamed as soon as I saw him, and ran out. I went to go lie out in the sun. I was too hot inside, I may as well get a un-needed tan. As I was tanning, Sirius came found me, and decided to have a bitch at me.

"What the hell were you doing putting us in detention?" he snapped at me.

"I was being a headmistress, Sirius," I replied coldly. "And if you're really going to hold that against me . . ."

There was a pause. "We should break up," he stated quietly.

"I thought we were. If I remember correctly you said to me earlier, 'You're only being a bitch because we're not together'," I stated. I guess now it's official that we're not.

I heard Sirius turn around, and walk away. I kept staring up at the sky, feeling the tears prickling at my eyes.

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