Chapter Six.

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Hi, I'm Eve. I fail at painting the globe. So I have become as lazy as my group for the school assignment, and decided to write a book, and not Facebook, because I don't have one :3

This is my third upload today, I don't upload quickly, so yeah, and I needed sleep at the end of it, it would have been longer, but I HAD to upload. Deb WILL upload tomorrow, and the same for the rest of the two weeks :P

Okay, read on my dears.


When I woke up, I smelt cookies, and I saw there was a little tray of cookies beside me, and a card.

I opened the card, which had Welcome to the Darkside, We Have Cookies!

On the inside, it said,

Dear Harley,
Look, I'm sorry, so damned sorry for hurting your feelings, and saying those things to you, I don't know what got over me. I swear. I had a civil conversation with Amdromeda, Regulas and to my disgust, Snivellous. I know what I did was wrong, and I'm so so so so so so so so so so sorry!

Now, I hate him for the use of too much 'so' in this note. I forgave him for the name thing. But, was the 'so' seriously that neccessary! He's such a duck.

Please tell me when you read that, you thought of Sirius with a duck bill?


Fantastic. I'm crazier than I thought I was. Smiling to myself, I put the note in my pocket, and stood in front of Professor Dumbledore, who was twiddling his thumbs.

"Join the Dark Side, we have cookies!" I sung, holding the platter of cookies, and my secret weapon in my other hand. "We have Skittles! Taste the rainbow!"

He smiled. "The Dark Side is very tempting, but I must stick to the light side. For the students."

"We can convert the school to cookie making, skittle eating school! They will eat rainbows, and we shall be even more than Voldemort could ever manage! I bet he's never eaten a rainbow! You shall be one more of a step ahead with everything! Eat the rainbow! At least for a day!"

He started to chuckle. "I shall join the Dark Side, would you pass the Skittles?"

I gave him the Skittles, and he ate them.

"These are fantastic." he said.

"It's a rainbow, duh," I said as if it was the obvious thing in the world.

He chuckled again. "You will be a very strange Headmistress," he said. "Today, you can be the Headmistress of the Dark Side."

"Thank you, I shant do you proud."

I smiled at him. The pair of us left, and went our seperate ways, both laughing. I skipped to the Great Hall, and sat beside James and Sirius, throwing my arms around them.

"Professor Dumbledore," I said to the Marauders. "Has decided to make me Heamistress--"

"What?!" they cut me off.

"--of the Dark Side," I finished as if they hadn't spoken. "Therefore, taste the freaking rainbow!"

I gave them all some Skittles.

"Do you ever not have a bag of skittles on you?" Lily asked, butting into our conversation. I gave one to her, and she grinned. "Skittles," she said with a mad glint in her eye.

"Eat them bitches," I said happily, then I went over to the Slytherin table, to side with Meda and Reg. "Guess what guys!?"

"You're the Headmistress of the Dark Side, and you're going to force everybody to eat Skittles?" Meda said, with a tilt of her head.

"Yes, but that's not what I was going to tell you. Were you guys eavesdropping!?"

"No, I can read lips," Meda said.

"Anywho, would like to tell you, I know you told Sirius about what would make me forgive him, it worked. SO-- onto the Skittle eating related terms, taste the rainbow!"

I gave them Skittles.

"Anyway, I was going to forgive him. I can't hold grudges as well as I thought I could," I said with a shrug. "It's all very amusing."

"Why do crazy people use such smart words?" Reg asked curiously.

"Because, we hide our intelligence," I said wisely. "You can't really think I've learned what you have in a few weeks,and think I'm not smart."

"We were wondering about that, you seem to know little, yet, a lot at the same time," Meda said.

"You Slytherins are mean," I said.

"You could have been sorted here because you have all our traits," Meda said wisely. "You also have every other houses."

"You know too much," I said suspiciously.

"I can read lips," she reminded me. "You and Professor Dumbledore speak of it a lot more than you think."

"We do?" I asked, thinking about it. "Oh, we do."

She smiled. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Honestly, if Dumbledore died now, which sure is hell isn't going to happen, but imagine if it did, I think you would be one scary Headmistress, seeing as you haven't even been at school for a year."

"Hopefully, I'm well in my thirties at least," I said. "Before then, when I might get the chance to mature."

There was a silence, before we all fell off our chairs laughing.

Me? Mature? You've got to be kidding me, and I was the one who said it.

I got up just after they did, because they actually fell off their chairs. No, the back of mine just broke, so I was trying, and failing badly, and doing a pull up, and I was looking like an absurd turtle on it's back.

I leaned on Reg, and put my head on his shoulder, and he put his hand around my waist.

"We've got potions first," he said softly.

There was a flash of light, and Meda was holding a camera with a grin. I scowled at her, and so did Reg. "You two look so cute together!"

"Your cousin is a freaking weirdo!"

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