Chapter 3: Bills party

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Since that day we all skipped school we've been like best mates, it's only been two weeks but it feels like it's been months.

I found out me and Ava have a lot in common for example we both want to apply to St. Ellsworth Arts academy in Spain. I found that random. Strange even.
Well actually I'm already supposed to attend for next year. I was like wtf yes that was my first thought, I mean how weird is it that my two new friends want to attend the same academy my friends are attending. It's a big coincidence or maybe it's destiny.

Anyways, me and Ava were doing some shopping for Bills birthday party even though I was trying to concentrate in stuff we might need I just couldn't... my parents were going to visit me soon and I wasn't too excited about it because me and my dad do not have the best relationship, in fact we didn't have any type of relationship besides fighting and fighting, the fact that my brother wasn't coming with them was making matters worse... I had never been without my brother for such a long period.

"Luke! are you okay?" Ava asked me I nodded and she could just tell I was lying "Okay to be honest I'm worried about my parents visiting"

"Why? I thought you were excited"

"I don't know... oh I think Bill would like this" I said pointing at a black hoodie with a smiley face on the front and trying to change subjects "yes that's so Bill" I said

"should we get it for him?" she asked grabbing my wrist pulling me to the store... every time she touches me I feel how my cheeks get hot and I feel electricity, I know it sounds super cliche but is the truth.

We bought the hoodie, and some decorations for the party... it wasn't going to be like a huge party but it was more like a get together with close friends, our friends in Australia wanted to visit but they were unable to.

"What did Kelly do to entertain Bill and make him not question where we are?" I asked

"Well uhm Kelly took Bill to this golf club, and Kelly told Bill that the reason we are not there is because I wanted to talk to you in private" she said and then laughed "oh really? And what is it that you want to talk in private?" I asked getting close to her "I uhm really don't have anything to say. It was just an excuse so we could do some shopping, also Shin went with them" she said with nervousness... I swear when she gets nervous she acts so adorable.

Good thing Kelly and Shin are entertaining Bill, Shin(His real name is Tim) is a junior in high school and we met him in Art class where luckily Ava, Bill,Kelly, Shin and I have together.



"Just hit the ball, hit it!" Shin almost shouted staring at Bill who looked completely lost but that didn't change that Kelly thought he was the cutest guy ever.

"I have never played golf okay? I'm not a sports person, I'm more of a stay at home eating gummy bears type of guy"

"Well you sure look fit for just staying at home eating" Kelly said smiling at Bill, he smiled at her and blushed.

Bill tried hitting the ball but missed, It was Shins turn and he did it perfectly "wow you are so good , how come?" Kelly asked Shin "well I have a golf court at home and me and my dad used to play a lot"


"Ava , I think we have enough balloons for the party" I said looking around. We had balloons everywhere in the house! on the floor, on the tables, in the kitchen , EVERYWHERE.

"You think?" she asked after blowing a balloon "yes Ava" I said taking the balloon from her hand, I stared at her lips, she had red lipstick on "I like how that lipstick looks on you" I said getting closer, her back was against the wall "Really?" she asked me getting closer... was I really about to kiss her?

under the lights tonight

I turn around and

you stole my heart

"Sorry my phone... someone's calling" she said.
"Really? One direction?" I asked. She laughed .
I went to the kitchen and took a deep breath. What was I thinking? I'm confused, I feel good when I'm with Ava I just don't know how she feels... I'm sure she enjoys my company as a friend.


Oh my... I think Luke was going to kiss me! why else would he get so close and make a comment about my lips? Damn phone!

"hello?" I said a little annoyed, it was Kelly explaining that they were on the way so we had to hurry up. We put 17 candles and the presents on the table

"Ok Luke you know what to do right?"

"Yes, I will go outside and ask him to walk with me to the store, then Kelly and Shin will pretend to leave and then you  let them in, we come back and surprise."


Luke left as soon as he heard Bill's voice, a few seconds later Kelly and shin showed up "wow you did a nice job" Kelly said "cute" Shin said

"I know I know" I said making sure everything was ready for Bills birthday. Yes it was only going to be us five but who cared? we only need our close friends and it's crazy to say I consider Luke, Shin and Bill my best friends but it just something I feel, Kelly feels the same about the guys... I know we'll be good friends for a long time.

We heard the door open and Bill complaining about how weird Luke was acting.

3,2,1 "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" we all said, Luke hugged Bill and Bills face was priceless he really didn't expected anything because we all had gone out the day before and bought him a small cake "wow thank you mates! wow thanks" he said while we all hugged him.

We ate some cake and listened to music and Bill loved all of his presents specially Kelly's because she bought him that game every guy is obsess with GTA 5.


We were having a great time when my mom called "excuse me" I said and walked outside "Hey mom" I said , we talked for a little but what got me in a mood was what she said before hanging up.

"Son, we'll be arriving tomorrow around 7pm"

I sat on a bench by the pool of our yard, ugh I am not ready to have my parents here... no wait, I am not ready to have my dad here! I felt the need to smoke.. I looked in my pockets and found my pack of cigarettes... should I smoke? I hadn't smoked in three weeks so why now? I kept staring at the pack when I felt a hand on my arm "Hey" she said and sat on the bench next to me "Luke! I thought you quit smoking"

"I did.. I just ugh I feel stressed my parents are coming tomorrow and I'm not too excited about it" I said, Ava put her hand on top of mine "I know but you shouldn't smoke, you can talk to me if something is bothering you"

"Thank you Ava... it's just, it's something very person but the thing is me and my dad don't get along, we fight constantly and he gets..." I said but I couldn't continue talking.  I kept squeezing the pack of cigarettes.
"I'm here whenever you need someone to talk to"

"Thank you Leah, it's also bothering me the fact that my brother is not coming and I feel sad"

Ava squeezed my hand and stayed with me, listening to me talk about my problems. It was nice talking to someone about my feelings... specially cause I can trust Ava. I can be myself with her.

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