charter 12: Welcome

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Narrator :

"how long? I'm getting sleepy and grumpy" - Beau said taking his headphones off and staring at Daniel who wasn't going to answer because he was asleep... his mouth was wide open and some drool was dripping from his chin "wake up cunt!" he said and got a dirty look from one of the passengers... he always forgets that cunt was an offensive word for Americans... a very offensive word.

"What?!" Daniel almost yelled and jumped "how long?" Beau asked again " I don't know man... the flight from Spain and America is long so just fucking go to sleep" Daniel said putting his headphones on so he wouldn't listen to Beau complain.

Everyone of them was asleep but Beau couldn't ,he was too excited to sleep since it was his first time going to America.


"you smell so good" Luke told Ava who was resting her head on his chest, she didn't answer "why are you so quite?" He asked while playing with her hair "I'm sorry I'm just thinking..."


"you" she whispered , now he was the one who didn't say anything he had the feeling that she was probably worried about the whole Ed situation "Ava?"

"Yes?" she asked raising her head and looking at him "I'm not perfect, and I know I will make mistakes, I will stumble and fall sometimes but I want you to be there and help me get up"

"why are you telling me this?" she asked

"because you are the one that I... I love" he said touching her cheek with his knuckles, she smiled and laid her head on his chest again "I love you too"

Luke smiled when she said that for him saying I love you was a big deal... he had never said that before. Ava was the first girl he ever felt that he actually loved her and it was the best feeling ever but he couldn't help but think that eventually he'll have to return to Australia and then go to Spain...

What if Ava wasn't accepted to the academy in Spain? He would sometimes think that it was destiny, he met the girl he loves in America and the funny part is that they were both planning to go to the same institute but it was too perfect! could it really work? a lot of things can change in just a few months.

He should stop thinking and stressing... enjoy the moment-he repeated to himself and closed his eyes...

He opened his eyes... had he fallen asleep? He looked at the clock " oh Lord oh my freaking gawd" he said getting up waking up Ava "whut?" she murmured yawning "we are so late! it's 11:42pm! they arrive a little before 12 and it will takes us like an hour and a half to get there" Luke said grabbing his phone and the car keys.

They both went downstairs where they found Kelly and Bill asleep, Shin had to leave but was going to their house Saturday night.

"wake up! wake up"

"hmmm?" Bill opened just one eye and then closed them again "No! let's go we are late" Luke said "what time is it?" He asked sitting up "late"

"It's late" Kelly repeated with her eyes closed and started stretching.


The guys flight had arrived a little bit earlier than what it was supposed to "umm can anyone called Luke? or Bill?" Jack asked , a lot of people were staring at Jack since he had this androgynous look, blonde shoulder length hair with some brown highlight , pale skin , green eyes and a masculine but feminine face not to mention he was very tall.

"My phone is dead" Beau said , Daniel was still waiting for his luggage "ugh my feet hurt, I need a bath and a comfy bed" Jack said rolling his eyes "what you need is a boyfriend so you'll stop complaining" Beau said looking in his luggage to find a charger, Jack sat next to him "or a girlfriend ya' know I don't discriminate" he said staring a cute red head that walked pass him "I know but I also know you love the d-"

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