Chapter 11: Ed's "thing"

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"are you mad at Luke?" I asked Bill

We are never alone but Kelly was running late, Luke went to talk to Ed really quick and Shin had to talk to his team leader or something.

"um nah why do you ask me that?"

"Because you guys barely talk to each other" I said taking a sip of Arizona tea. yum.

" we are just busy with school, our girlfriends and stuff" Bill said playing with his tongue ring "ugh stop playing with that" I said trying not to look at it. tongue piercings are hot but Bill kept playing with it and it was awkward.

"Bill! anyways you guys were like best friends at the beginning of the school year"

"Well things change and we met new people and besides the one who started to hangout less and less with me was Luke... he's always too busy with Ed and Tyler" Bill said rolling his eyes "Well maybe tonight that your friends finally get here you guys will be close again"



"What the Fuck Ed! Why would you bring that to school" I said trying not to raise my voice "dude it wasn't my fault! this guy gave it to me on the way to school and I can't just throw it away he would kill me. I owe him and he said I have to sell it or else"

"damn it Ed! I thought you were done fucking with that shit! if Ashley finds out she will be done with you" Tyler said , Ed put the bag filled with Xanax pills inside his locker "the least of my problems is Ashley! and I am done but Kevin won't leave me alone... he said this would be the last job I do for him. He said a lot of people from this school take xanax so it wouldn't be hard to sell them."

I didn't know what to say, yes I had seen drugs before.. and yes I had smoke weed and once only once did ecstasy with Daniel but that was it, there's a difference in trying and selling right? I couldn't be part of this.

"Ed you can't sell this, you are just hurting kids by selling this shit "

"Luke if I don't sell this then it's me who's going to get an ass beat! not only that I could get killed!"

"how much money is it?" I asked maybe I could just give him the money for the pills and then throw them away.

"He wants $10 for every 5 pills. I have to sell 400 pills"

"so it's like $800" I said

"Ugh Ed... do you know people who wants to buy it?" Tyler asked "he can't sell them" I whispered "then what?" Tyler asked annoyed by my stubbornness "we get the money for the pills instead of selling them and then we get rid of them"

"you have that amount of money?" Tyler asked "dude! it's not that much and we can get it or better yet if we can find people who actually have to take xanax but can't afford it at a pharmacy then we could sell them to them"

"As if those people would buy it from us a group of teenagers" Ed said, he hit his head against the locker "I'm fucked I have to sell this shit by Friday"

"I'll help you Ed... just give me some time we'll get the money and I'll try and get in contact with people who actually need xanax" I said , I put a hand on his arm trying to calmed him down.

"Thanks man, you guys are really good friends" Ed said taking a deep breath I could see he was or about to cry or extremely pissed off because his cheeks were red. "you'll be fine" Tyler said.


"What the heck? No way! No way! Luke you can't get involve with that!" I said , practice was over and Luke and I were at the lockers. He had just finished soccer practice "Ava please understand Ed is friend and he's in trouble"

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