Ch 3.

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{ Tyler's POV }

When I walked into my house, my mom was drinking tea. She looked at me, hearing the door open, and let out a sigh of relieve. "Where have you been!? It is past 4 and your piano lessons started at 3:30!"

"I'm sorry mom, I had to help a student out with his homework. I promise I won't be late again." I said quickly, feeling bad for lying. However, I was also kind of happy that I wen't with Josh around the town.

She eyed me for a moment. I felt my heart race, praying she did not notice the blood seeping through my shirt.

"Well, it seems as if you are already making friends." she smiled. "Just make sure they are nice children, because I do not want my son associating with bad kids." I nodded, and my mom motioned me to go upstairs.

Once I had finished my piano lessons I heard my mom call me downstairs, I could hear Ms. Black and my mom talking in the kitchen. Amy Black was a 'friend' of my mothers.

When I got downstairs, I saw Alex and Cameron, Alex was the son of Ms. Black's fiancé and Cameron was his boyfriend, they were whispering in the corner of the room. My mom and Ms. Black looked up at me and Ms. Black forced a smile, "Hello Tyler"

I shook her hand returning the smile, "Nice to see you again." She doesn't like me, actually she just doesn't like kids in general.

I left and walked into the entertainment room, and Cameron and Alex followed. Once we were out of our parents sight, Cameron and Alex laced their fingers together and I rolled my eyes. Alex's mom knew they were dating, but she didn't approve.

My mom knows too, and she knew I was gay too, but we never really discussed it. When I told her, she tried passing it as a phase. I guess I just make her life worse, being gay and not accepting the 'rich people lifestyle' like she wanted me to. Whenever we go somewhere fancy, I don't live up to her friends or our families expectations.

"Hey, what happened to your arm?" Alex asked, looking at my shirt in concern. I nearly spit out a bad word, cursing myself remembering that I forgot to change.

The two gave me a questioning and worried look, probably thinking I got beat up at school. They had this crazy idea that public school was dangerous, considering shows pass it like it is.

"It's nothing serious," I shrugged it off.

"How about telling us the truth," Cameron said, giving me a stern look.

I bit my lip, thinking for a bit, "Okay, well. There is this boy named Josh and he invited me to hangout after school this afternoon. We walked a bit and then he decided to skateboard. I tried denying but he insisted that I try, and well, this happened"

Alex frowned after I told them and shook his head, "You shouldn't bother with him. He sounds a bit dangerous."

"He is not, he did not force me to ride his skateboard. Besides, it is only a scrape. He was actually helpful afterwards. He walked me home and I don't know, I feel kind of safe around him." I admitted. It was true, even though I only met him a couple days ago, he seems nice and I think we could be friends.


The next day, I went to school and changed my clothes a bit. Even though I act like it doesnt, the teasing bothered me a bit. I tried to go a bit more casual. My mom was not pleased with my outfit but I convinced her to ket me leave.

When I went to my locker, I struggled opening it. The day before, I had the same
problem, but the lady at the front desk helped.


The day went by semi quickly and I never understood why people complained about it.

At the end of the day when I wen't to my locker to grab my things a piece of paper fell out, curious, I bent down and picked it up. While unfolding it, I realized it was a note.

"Hey Tyler,
I dont have your number, but I found your locker. Wanna hang out again? Meet me outside the front of the school
- Josh :) "

I smiled and grabbed my book bag, shut my locked and sent my mom a text saying I had to stay after school again.

When I went outside my eyes widened, Josh was leaned up against a motorcycle, he smirked when he saw me, "Hey Tyler, ready to go?"

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