Ch. 25

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{ Tyler's POV }

"No! Don't go in there no, no, no! The window, go in the window!" Emma shouted, tossing popcorn at the TV when the girl went in the room, getting her head sliced off and I covered my eyes in disgust at the gory scene.

I was never a fan of scary movies, watching them is fine. Except when there is tons of blood, because I get queasy and I always hated going to the doctors and getting shots, cause seeing my own blood disgusted me.

I chuckled when Emma groaned and told her, "They cannot hear you, you know? Just because you are shouting doesn't mean they can hear you. It's a movie."

"I know," She grumbled, shrugging. "They would all stay alive if they did listen to me though, I mean that girl would have been running to the police station now if she went out the window, but nope."

I shook my head in amusement, but suddenly Emma's phone beeped and she looked at the name, handing it to me and said,
"It's your boyfriend."

I grinned at the word 'boyfriend' and took the phone. I have not been able to talk to Josh since Emma was away for the weekend and another maid had to babysit me, even though I'm almost 18. But, now she's back and I texted Josh as soon as I could.

When I opened the text, expecting a cute little 'I love you' or something dirty, I was wrong.

My eyes widened, breathing hitching when seeing it was a photo of Josh and some attractive guy kissing.

It was like my heart stopped.

This can't be right, he would not cheat on me. Josh loves me, I could easily see that.

But, the kiss looked so passionate and deep, like he wanted it to happen and he had his hand on the back of the guys neck.

Just like he does with me.

My eyes watered slightly, and I bit my lip to stop the tears from falling.

This never happened to me before and I don'tunderstand why he would cheat on me.

Was he getting annoyed? Did he just use me for sex or something?

"Tyler, what's wrong?" Emma asked in concern, noticing my expression.

I didn't reply, just showing her the picture and she gave me a sympathetic look,
"I'm so sorry, do you want me to get you something to eat?"

I chuckled sadly, curling in on myself and leaned my head on the arm of the couch,
"No, I'm fine. Could you just let me be by myself for a moment? I really do not want to be with anyone right now...I'm sorry."

"It's perfectly fine, hun'," She assured, patting my arm and got up, going into the kitchen and I heard her cooking something.

She was probably making the food my mom insisted she prepared, even though she would never eat it.

I glanced at the TV, seeing the couple kissing in a car and covered my eyes. I didn't want to see that, because it reminded me of when Josh kisses me.

He seems so passionate with it, but passion involves love and if he cheated then he doesn't love me.

Maybe it was a mistake, he could have been drunk. Either way, he did cheat and did not tell me even though we just talked a couple hours ago.

I missed him this whole time, yet he's been kissing other people.

When Emma came back, she laid a blanket on me and played some movies I was not familiar with, but the movie distracted me for a bit.

However, my mother soon arrived with my father. They went out with their friends to some party at a fancy night club and my mother tends to stay away from drinking, so she was rather sober and my father looked a bit more tipsy.

She glanced at me and glared, "Why are you not in your room?"

Before I could reply, Emma told them, "It was easier for me to watch him downstairs instead of him in his room where he could sneak out. I made the dinner you told me to make and he has already eaten."

"Good, that is all Emma. You can leave," My mom said, handing her the money she gets for watching me and Emma gave me a small, sad smile that reminded me of what Josh did and my heart broke all over again.

I was not aware of the fact that I was crying until my mom said with annoyance,
"Tyler, quit the water works and go up to your room. You are still grounded for sneaking out and go straight to bed, it's almost 11."

"Wow, you are such a caring mother," I scowled, grabbing the blanket off of me and wrapped it around so it hugged me a bit.

I wanted a hug, I would never get one though.

My heart just hurts a lot and I wish I could talk to Josh and know why hecheated on me.

However, my father glared at me with a angered expression, "You do not speak to your mother that way! Stop being anungrateful brat and apologize before I smack you again, you selfish kid."

The word kid stood out.

It wasn't 'son' or 'boy', it was kid and I frowned, telling her, "Sorry mother, I just wish you would care about me for once."

"Why are you so rude? This is why we don't want you hanging out with that punk boy, he has turned you into a rebellious teenager," He sneered, shoving me toward the stairs and I stumbled a bit but caught myself before I could fall.

I rushed to my room and shut my door, seeing my CD that Josh gave me was still in the player and I hesitantly turned it on, laying on my bed.

Tears streamed down my face and I grabbed the key chain that read 'I'll love you for a 1000 more'.

It's such a lie.

He does not love me anymore, and it is probably because of my parents and how they make it harder for me to see him.

A pounding on my door was heard and my father shouted, "Turn that junk off and go to bed, we have a long day tomorrow!" I winced when his room door slammed, causing the house to shake a bit and turned off the music, not wanting to listen to it anyways.

Josh gave it to me and the thought of him brought tears in my eyes.

However, I still held onto his jacket and curled up under my covers, wishing he had his arms around me like whenever we made love on the roof.

I had a small cold after that, but it was worth it and even though he kissed someone else and I don't know why it happened, I do not regret spending that night with him.

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