Ch. 5

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{ Josh's POV }

Who's your favorite band?" I asked, as Tyler and I were laying on the rooftop, gazing at the cloudy sky. We came here again after school and we have been here all week.

He was laying on my jacket since he didn't want his clothes getting dirty. Finally, he said,
"I would haveto go with The Killers, they're  amazing."

I nodded in agreement, glancing at him and smiling.

"What do you want to do when you grow up?" He asked, continuing our game of 20 questions we've been playing. I groaned, knowing it would be a stupid question like this.

"Um, I don't know. I probably would work at a store or restaurant."

Tyler frowned, patting my hand surprisingly.

"I doubt they would allow you to work with them while having tattoos. Restaurants are quite strict, but maybe if you actually put effort into school, then you could go to college."

I shrugged, not wanting to talk about it. I hate school, why would I go for more years?

"If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?"

"Paris," He answered instantly.

I questioned curiously, "Why?"

"It's beautiful," He said with a gazed over expression, and a smile on his face. "It is one of those places you always want to go, just to experience what it is like. I want to go on the Eiffel Tower, to eat a snail and hear their music. It just seems so passionate and it is the city of love and lights, why would you not want to go?"

Before I could reply, a drop of rain fell and I saw that it was raining. Tyler gasped and I grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the ladder. We went down and I saw him freaking out, so I gave him my jacket again and he shook his head,"Oh no, you need it."

"Just take it, my shirt only cost 5 dollars compared to your 100 dollar one," I wrapped it around his shoulders and he hesitantly took it, thanking me in the process.

I brushed it off and got on the motorcycle, handing him the helmet and he got on, he wrapped his arms around me a bit looser than the first time. He's grown use to it and so have I.

"Can we go to your place?" He asked quietly, locking his fingers. I frowned, I didn't want him to see where I live. His place is so nice and big, while mine can barely fit me, Jordan, and Sarah.

Tyler knows I live in a bad neighborhood, but he doesn't know how ugly and filthy my house is.

"Um, my roommates are having 'private time'," I said with airquotes. Tyler  giggled, but nodded and we headed off.

When we got to his house, Tyler got off and I was about to leave, but he stopped me and asked, "Would you like to come in?"

My eyes widened from the random question

"Um, are you sure?"

"Yes, considering your friends are having 'private time'," He chuckled, tightening my jacket around him, I sighed, but followed.

He led me through the gate after putting in a passcode, that I memorized. Who knows if I'll need it or not.

I was a bit worried about his parents, but Tyler opened the front door and took off his wet shoes, so I did the same. His house was as fancy as it was on the inside and was so white, I think I'm going blind.

A lady walked in, who had a similar look to Tyler but blonde, and said, "Tyler Robert Joseph, what in the world are you doing home so late? And who is this?"

She eyed me with so much judgment, it made me uncomfortable. Tyler nervously glanced at me and patted my arm, telling her,"This is my friend, Josh. He goes to my school and we were chatting, but it rained. So, I said he was welcome here."

"I would like it if you called before inviting people over," She said sternly, "Now go take a shower you are dragging mud around the house"  Tyler nodded, grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs. I was quiet and waited while he talked to a lady in a maids outfit, telling her what his mom said.

He turned to me and apologized,"I am sorry for my moms rude behavior. She never wanted me to go to public school, so she is hesitant of me making friends."

"It's fine, don't worry about it," I assured him, and he gave me a weak smile. After, he led me to a fancy bathroom. It had a Jacuzzi tub and a separate shower, a toilet, and a counter with two sinks. He opened the closet and handed me a towel. "Here you go, would you like to borrow some clothes?"

"Um, if you don't mind," I replied hesitantly, not use to standing in such an expensive room, I was sort of afraid to break something.

He waved a hand in dismal, "No worries, I will be across the hall, showering as well."

I nodded and thanked him, he just walked out and I hesitated, before stripping and walking toward the shower. It felt like heaven, water so warm and relaxing as it hit my back. The pressure felt amazing and I wanted to shower forever. After washing my hair and body, I got out and saw clothes by the door. They were perfectly fit, so I assume his friend is around my size. The cloth was fancy and shirt was a blue button-up, which probably cost so much.

I awkwardly put the towel in a basket with the others and went into the hall, trying to find Tyler since the door was open and he wasn't in the bathroom. I walked around and saw a room with a piano and jumped when a hand tapped my shoulder.

Tyler smiled apologetically, "Sorry, I didn't meant to startle you."

"Do you play the piano?" I asked, unsure if he mentioned it before. We walked in and he nodded, not saying anything. I let my fingers brush over the fine wood, smiling,"It's really nice, I can't imagine how it sounds."

"Wanna hear?" He asked, and took a seat on the bench. I smiled and he opened it, closing his eyes to think, then grinned and pressed his fingers down. I instantly knew the song and sat down next to him, shoulders pressed against one another since it was small.

He nodded at me when it was time, and I bit my lip but sang quietly,

"Heart beats fast. Colors and promises. How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone, all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.One step closer..."

We both paused and he wasn't even looking at the piano while playing, but into my eyes. I gulped slowly as we began again.

I took a breath and sang, "I have died every day waiting for you. Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you for athousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more." Tyler hesitated a bit while playing and I continued, "Time stands still beauty in all he is... I will be brave. I will not let anything take away. What's standing in front of me."

He stopped playing and I saw him glancing at my lips, me doing the same. I wasn't sure who leaned in, but I quickly pulled back and cleared my throat, "should head home. Um, I'll give you the clothes at school."

"Oh, okay." Tyler frowned as he watched me leave, and I gave him a quick wave goodbye. On my way downstairs, I noticed his moms dirty look, "Leaving so soon?"

"Yes, Ma'm, It was nice meeting you," I told her and she just walked off. I sighed and rushed out the door, hopping on my motorcycle.

I shouldn't have leaned in, I shouldn't have even tried kissing him. There's no way we can kiss without someone ending up hurt and I don't wanna hurt Tyler.

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