Ch. 16

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{ Tyler's POV }

I was beyond relieved when Josh's suspension was over. School was such a bore without him there to entertain me.

However, it worked to my advantage considering I was forced to focus more, pleasing my father.

When he came back to school, so did the guy who beat me up; David. He never bothered me after that since Josh was clinging to me, afraid I would get hurt or something.

I found it sweet, it means he cares about me. While Josh was gone, I simply stayed on my own or joined Nick and his friends during lunch time. It was not as fun, though.

Josh seemed happy to be back when he heard I was with Nick while he was gone.

He gets jealous easily, I've noticed.
During lunch time, Josh and I went to our table and I chuckled when he made walrus tusks with his french fries.

He always made me laugh, it's one of the reasons I like him. Plus, he is so romantic and sweet.

"Are you gonna finish that?" He asked, motioning to my chocolate milk. I shook my head, handing it to him and he finished it up.

"How's the thing with your parents going? Are they still pissed off?"

I rolled my eyes, "No, they are rather over it. But, they still don't like me dating you. The dinners tonight, I can tell it's going to be a bore. I just hope Cameron and Alex will be there, because I'll be so lonely without them."

"I wish I could go, I'd make sure you weren't bored," He smirked, leaning over the table to give me a kiss. I love kissing Josh, it's probably my favorite thing about us being together.

I was sure he had way more experience with this...sexual part of our relationship though.

I snorted at his cheekiness,"I'm sure you would."

"Sassy princess, I like it," He reached over, taking my hand and pressed a kiss to the knuckles, asking,"Do I have the honorof going to your recital still?"

"Of course, I do not know what I would do if you didn't go. You are the only one who'd keep me sane throughout the night,"

I explained, knowing my parents would be bragging about how I'm better than the other kids, even though at home they would scold me for messing up a part or something.

He sighed, rolling his eyes and retorted,"I'm sure you'll do fine, Ty. But, I'll make it I promise. I can be your lucky charm or something. Is it a competition or just some performance? Do they even have piano competitions? Sorry, I don't know these things."

"It's like a formal concert. Um, I'm sorry but I forgot to mention you need to dress up a bit. Do you have a suit or tux?" He shook his head and I nodded, assuring him, "I can ask Max if you can borrow his. But, I'll be performing towards the end. Oh god, I'm getting nervous. Distract me! Did you get a job yet?"

Josh chuckled, turning my hand over and commented, "Your hands are getting sweaty, calm down I'm sure you'll do great. And if you didn't, who cares? I wouldn't notice. They don't know what your performing, so it's not like they can point anything out. And no, I don't have a job. I'm gonna look some more before your recital, it's Saturday, right?"

"Yep, 8PM," I gave him a small smile and he nodded, probably mentally adding it in the back of his head so he does not forget.

Soon we just chatted and shared small kisses here and there. Afterwards, I went to class and school was over not long after.

Josh met me at my locker and carried my bag, even though I told him it was not necessary, saying I am a man and can carry my own bag. He laughed.

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