Ch. 7

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{ Josh's POV }

When I went to work the next day, I was in such a good mood. Ever since we went to the movies, Tyler and I have been getting closer. But, Sarah and Jordan don't like him, at all.

I hated the way they talked about Tyler behind his back, they rarely act this way and he didn't deserve it. Yes, Tyler is pretty much a goody two shoes, but that's not a bad thing.

I think he's just been sheltered from life and needs to learn to live a little. I will help him by showing him how to have fun and live life.

I was at Hot Topic, checking out items for customers and it was a very busy day. We had a sale going, so everyone was coming in and school was out, so lots of teens were here since it's also Friday.

I sighed, looking at all the lovey dovey couples and groaned. Sometimes I feel alone, but I guess everyone has that time in their life where they wish they had a boyfriend or girlfriend.

I mocked a guy who was whispering sweet nothings in some chicks ear who giggled. I want that too. To have someone to hug and kiss, to make blush"

"Josh, Carly, get over here," Our boss said, once the shop was empty and we looked at one another in confusion, but walked over to him in the back room no one saw, where our mini lockers were.

He pulled out a packet of cigarettes, glaring at us and scolded,"You know the rules, no bringing drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol to work. I found these on the table, I don't mind if they're put away, but to have them out like this is unacceptable. I don't care what you do in your private lives, but to bring these to work is against work policy."

I gulped slowly, and saw Carly looking nervous as well. Our boss glared at us, then looked over at Carly and snapped, "You were the last one to come in and I didn't see these there before, get your stuff and get out. You're fired, I'll give you your last pay check at the end of the week."

Her eyes welled up with tears and I panicked, seeing her nod weakly. Without thinking, I exclaimed, "They're mine!"

They both looked at me and I frowned, pleading,"I'm really sorry, though. I thought I put them up and I guess I was in such a rush that I didn't see I left them out. Please, just let me off with a warning?"

"I admire you for your honesty," He began, "But, you broke one of our very few rules and there are many people who are willing to work here who won't break it. I'm sorry, but you're fired."

I blanked out as he told me to return my shirt and just nodded. He left the room and when I went to get my things, Carly grabbed my arm and looked at me in confusion, "Why in the world would you do that? You just got fired when you could've been let loose."

Of course I lied to him, the cigarettes weren't mine. I have them in my bookbag. I shrugged, opening my locker and grabbed my bag, changing my shirt and told her, "You have two kids and honestly, I think you need this job more than I do."

She smiled sadly, pulling me into a hug and sighed, "You're an idiot, but thank you. I hate how people think you're a jerk, you're really sweet."

I smiled and waved goodbye, handing my boss my shirt on the way out. When I left, I glared at the ground and walked out the mall, clenching my fists. I can't believe he actually fired me, I tried ignoring the anger but I was so pissed off.
He didn'tneed to do that, It was one little mistake and I told him the 'truth', or so he thinks.

I walked home, since I didn't ride my motorcycle today and the fact that annoying kids were running around by the park I walked past didn't help my irritation. I grumbled while scuffling my shoes on the pavement, Sarah and Jordan are going to be pissed.

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