04 → "DREAMS"

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04 → "DREAMS"

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04 → "DREAMS"

LATER THAT NIGHT, the girls held a bonfire. According to Sonya, they hold bonfires the night a newbie arrives to welcome them, but tonight's bonfire was overdue. Every girl was seated around the bonfire, many lost in conversation. At one point, two girls had brought out two plastic buckets and started using them as makeshift drums, which Adeline found somewhat creative, as it brought a whole new mood and made the bonfire a lot more entertaining.

Adeline spent the majority of the night mostly talking to Sonya and Victoria, where she had learned that Harriet and Sonya and around twenty other girls had been there for almost two years. When Adeline asked about the dark time that Harriet briefly mentioned, Sonya turned the topic down, stating that it was hard to explain and she hated reliving it. After that, the conversation drifted into a silence that was welcomed by a bunch of girls getting up and dancing around to the rhythm of the makeshift drums. At one point, Victoria made her get up and dance with her.

"C'mon." she offered when Adeline shook her head. "This bonfire is all for you. Your big welcome to the Sector. Better to enjoy your time here than worrying about everything."

Victoria was right; she may as well enjoy her time here than worry about their situation. So Adeline danced around with Victoria until her feet grew sore. The rest of the night passed by in a blur.

Adeline's first month in the Sector had come and gone. Everything was normal, as normal as it could be in their situation. Adeline worked in the Gardens alongside Victoria, followed the rules, didn't try to think twice about the Maze or let her curiosity get the better of her. She tried not to get on Beth's bad side, especially after an incident where she accidentally walked in on her showering, unaware that the shower stall was occupied. Adeline tried to start out her new life on a good note. And then after a smooth four weeks, things began to change. Adeline started having dreams that appeared more as memories. The dream was always the same;

A family of four stood at a doorway of a house, a woman, the mother Adeline presumed, was crying. A boy around the age of seven and a girl no older than eleven exchanged hugs and promises. Then the boy turned to the youngest child, a girl around the age of four. Tears sprang in her eyes, and the boy pulled her into a tight hug.

"We'll meet again." the boy promised.

The dream ended everytime at this point. Well, at least it had for the many nights it came to her in her dreams. On this particular night, the dream changed.

A girl, no older than 13 years old, races down the hallway, before she comes to a halted stop at a voice.

"What're you doing on this side of the compound?" A boy snaps. "You're not allowed on the Group A side of the compound."

The girl turns to the boy, and both are now standing in the hallway, the girl frantically gazing around. The boy was asian and appeared to be no more than 14 years old. He didn't appear to be pleased to see her.

"Look." she spoke. "I need to see Matt."

"Matt?" The boy grimaced. "Why do you need to see him?"

The girl seemed to be becoming frustrated at the boy. "It's none of your business."

The boy rolled his eyes, before nodding. "Fine, I'll get him. You're a stubborn one, aren't you."

The girl scoffed, and the boy disappeared into a room before another boy exited the room, stopping before her. The boy had pale skin and caramel brown hair.

"What's wrong?" He questioned her, sensing the worry on her face.

"I overheard the Chancellor talking with a guard." she rushed out. "They were talking about how they were searching for a girl who looked somewhat like Aris and I."

"Your sister?" Matt responded. "Why are they looking for your sister?"

"She's immune." the girl told him. "Just like me. Just like Aris. They need her for the trials, just like us."

Adeline woke up in her hammock, startled by the dream. No, memory, as it seemed. And if it was a memory, did that mean the girl was her? Who was the boy who she had referred to as Matt? And what did she mean about trials and being immune? What were they immune from? Sighing, Adeline fell back and tried to go back to sleep, until the usual wake up call from Harriet sounded across the Sector. At the top of her lungs, Harriet screamed for everyone to get up for the day. Adeline jolted forward, covering her ears with the palm of her hands to drown out the noise. Harriet arrived at her hammock, but noticed she was awake, so she let her be. The rest of the day passed by as normal; quickly shower, eat breakfast alongside Victoria, before heading to the Gardens for the next five hours until lunch. Straight after lunch it was back to work for the day until the day was over and everyone could head straight to dinner.

Days passed. The dreams seemed to just vanish out of nowhere, leaving her dreams empty. But, that still didn't mean that she wasn't curious about it. Why did she have the same dream numerous times, and then once the dream changed, it was gone?


Adeline was dozing off to sleep when the voice startled her, her eyes shooting open, causing her to jolt forward in shock and gazed around to see if anyone was talking to her from the next hammock. But, the girl who's hammock was alongside her own, was fast asleep. Sighing, believing she was just hearing things, she leant back and tried to go back to sleep.


Adeline's eyes shot open once more. There the voice was again, but where was it coming from?

Adeline, don't freak out, okay? This may be weird to hear me talking in your head, but it's called a telepathic link. Something is going to happen soon, and a few girls may lose their lives. Can you hear me? Please, tell me if you can hear me. Just focus and try to answer me.

Besides the voice reassuring her and telling her to be calm, she was freaked out. What the hell is a telepathic link and how was it possible that this girl was talking to her inside her head? But, something inside of her made her itch to reply, and soon, she did.

Who are you? How do you know me?

My name's Rachel, we know each other. But, you need to take my warning seriously. I can't tell you much, but something bad will happen. I've got to go, but I'll warn you when the day is close. Goodnight, Adeline.

The girl — Rachel, as she had introduced herself — was gone.

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