42 → "DOUBTS"

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42 → "DOUBTS"

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THEY SET OFF again again and headed to their camp. It didn't take long until they arrived at their camp, where Esther had stayed behind with another girl named Marie.

"Okay." Teresa said. "Let's tie him to that ugly tree." She pointed at a thin oak tree. "And we might as well feed him so he doesn't moan and groan all day and keep us awake."

They tied his torso to the trunk, leaving his hands free. Once they had him secure to the tree they gave him a few granola bars and a bottle of water. Adeline settled down beside Esther. No one spoke to Thomas or met his gaze. Harriet and Sonya talked silently, getting ready for bed, although it was in the afternoon, seated on make-shift beds. Harriet and Sonya had spared Adeline a few blankets to sleep on. As Adeline laid her head on them, she noticed that they kept sneaking looks at Thomas.

"You guys don't really wanna kill me, do you?" Thomas asked, catching them off guard. "Have you ever even killed anyone before?"

Harriet gave him a harsh glare, stopping just before she laid her head down on a wad of blankets. She propped herself up on her elbow. "Based on what Teresa told us, we escaped our Maze three days faster than your group did. Lost fewer people and killed more Grievers to do it. I think knocking off one little insignificant teenage boy won't be too tough."

"Think of the guilt you'll feel." Thomas pushed.

"We'll get over it." She stuck her tongue out at him then put her head down and closed her eyes.

Sonya sat cross-legged, looking not even one bit ready to sleep. "We don't have a choice. WICKED said that was our only task. If we don't do it, they won't let us in at the safe haven. We'll die out here in the Scorch."

Thomas shrugged. "Hey, I understand. Sacrifice me to save yourselves. Very noble."

She stared at him for a long time until she finally looked away and lay down with her back to him. Teresa walked over, her face twisted in annoyance. "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing." mumbled Harriet. "Tell him to shut up."

"Shut up." Teresa said. Thomas gave a sarcastic laugh.

"What're you gonna do, kill me if I don't?" She didn't say anything, just kept looking at him, her face blank. "Why do you hate me all of a sudden? What did I do to you?"

Sonya and Harriet both had turned to listen, looking back and forth between Thomas and Teresa. Adeline was interested now, too, and had propped herself up on one elbow.

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