12 → "CODE"

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12 → "CODE"

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12 → "CODE"

THE GREY, ARTIFICIAL looking sky, had yet to disappear. There was no sun for the crops, the boy was still unconscious, and there had been word spread that the Mappers had found a Cliff that they believed was where the Grievers disappeared to. Due to the latest events happening, Harriet and Sonya feared another Griever attack may happen, and the Architects had started constructing a bunker for safety under Harriet's order. The Bunker was located a few feet away under the Keeper's house. After everything that had happened in the last few days, everyone was waiting for the next set of crazy events to come crashing upon them, and many were on edge.

Adeline decided to not let it get to her as often as the rest of the girls. Instead, Adeline worked whilst trying not to worry about their crops now due to their artificial-looking grey sky. But, the idea of the Box not coming up still made her worry. The Box was due to arrive in the next 48 hours, and the idea of it never coming back up was daunting. Without supplies and no sun for crops, they were in trouble.

48 hours later, the Box had failed to arrive. Harriet was standing by the spot the Box came up, waiting. But the longer Harriet waited, the more worried she appeared. When Sonya arrived back from the Maze, she automatically headed towards Harriet, stopping directly in front of her. Adeline was seated at the table alongside Rachel as Harriet and Sonya conversed over the fact the Box didn't arrive, and Rachel didn't seem to be paying any attention to the situation at hand. Instead, she was eating away like she wasn't worried. Or maybe Rachel was trying not to worry.

It started to become dark some time after dinner ended, which is how it had been for the last few days. Since there is no sun, there was no sunset to indicate the end of the day. Instead, the grey artificial sky darkened until it was almost entirely pitch black around the Sector. The only light that would illuminate the Sector at night was the torches, but once it was lights out, the Sector became a dark and creepy place. Girls were heading to bed or to shower later that night. Adeline had just showered and was about to head to bed herself, when all of a sudden, a girl's voice echoed in her mind.

It was us. We did this to them. Put them here.

From the opposite hammock, Rachel jolted forward and gasped in shock, while Adeline's eyes widened at how sudden and shocking the girls words were. Both Rachel and Adeline shared a glance at one another, Rachel raising her eyebrow questionably. And then as fast as the girls voice came, another voice followed. A boy's voice. The same boy who warned her alongside Rachel about the Griever attack.

Adeline, you triggered the Ending.

And then there was screaming, someone yelling out; "He's awake!" and two Medics frantically racing out of the Keepers House looking for Harriet and Sonya.

Rachel, Adeline. It's Aris. I have things I need to tell you, but it's fading quick. Please, hurry.

Rachel and Adeline stared back at each other. The boy's — Aris' — words leaving both girls speechless. Frozen in their shoes.

Hurry! Before I forget everything!

And then, right before his voice stopped ringing in their heads, his last words were shocking.

The Maze. The Maze is a code.

On the way up to the infirmary of the Keepers House, Adeline explained everything to Rachel about the telepathic link they seemed to share, and how Rachel warned her about the Griever attack. How she didn't tell Rachel about it due to the fact she couldn't remember. Adeline had just realised that Aris was the boy who helped Rachel warn her of the Griever attack. By the time they found the boys room in the infirmary rooms of the Keepers House, they found no Medics and the boy sitting with his feet touching the floor, staring directly at them.

"Lock the door." he demanded. "I don't want anyone else walking in here. I only trust you two."

Adeline and Rachel shared another glance, before Rachel closed the door before dragging a chair and jamming it under the brass door knob, preventing anyone else getting inside. That's when Rachel started spilling out questions; about how he could talk to them in their minds, about why he arrived unconscious, and why he mentioned that Adeline had triggered something called the Ending.

"And what did you mean the Maze is a code?" Adeline quizzed. The boy rubbed his temples, as if the girls asking a bunch of questions was giving him a throbbing headache.

"Shut it." he snapped. "I just woke up from what someone told me was a coma. I don't remember anything. The moment I woke up, everything I remembered starting fading, and now I don't remember anything."

"Well that's just peachy." Adeline scowled. "Well, do you remember us, then?"

Aris shrugged. "Yes. No. I don't know. I do and I don't."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Rachel snapped.

"I can't explain it." he snapped. "But, I remember remembering. If that makes sense. Like I remember that I'm in a centre of a Maze and that I'm here for some reason."

"And what about us?" Adeline quizzed, crossing her arms over her chest. Aris and Adeline stared back at one another. "What do you remember about us?"

"I remember who you are." Aris said. "I remember that Rachel, you're my friend." he said, his eyes landing on Rachel, before locking on Adeline. Adeline and Aris stared back at one another.

"And?" Adeline pushed. "I swear if we were once lovers —"

"No!" Aris exclaimed, eyes widening. "No, Adeline, we weren't lovers. Don't just assume something like that. Adeline, you're my sister. My younger sister, to be precise."

Adeline and Rachel shared yet another glance with one another. Adeline stared back at Aris — or should she call him her brother? — in disbelief.

"Well." Rachel spoke up. "We did mention the fact you two look alike."

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